Extended Reading
  • Jermaine 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    A personal style action film

    From the establishment of the project to the trailer to the release of the word-of-mouth in Laomei, I have been following it for a long time, but the Celestial Dynasty has not been released. I just saw that there are resources, and I rushed to watch it overnight on the first day. The experience is...

  • Jason 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    I am dizzy.

    Can the director edit well? Can we not have a hammer in the east and a stick in the west? Good storytelling, right? What's trendy? A good action movie, it's maddening to be filmed like this! Can the director edit well? Can we not have a hammer in the east and a stick in the west? Good storytelling,...

  • Gilberto 2022-04-21 09:02:51

    A real hardcore action movie, with no protagonist flying around, exploding, or flying cars. It is a 90-minute standard action movie with a conscience length.

  • Murray 2022-04-20 09:02:05

    The fight is super fierce, and the mental state of the characters and the predictable ending add a layer of meaning beyond the action movie.

Mile 22 quotes

  • Dorothy Brady: Do you have men wandering our embassy?

    Deputy Foreign Minister: Absolutely not.

    Dorothy Brady: Good. Because the men who were wandering the embassy are now absolutely dead.

  • Bishop: Speed matters. We have a team of seven operators. They are no longer employees of the US government. They are engaged in a higher form of patriotism. They are ghosts.