Extended Reading
  • Modesto 2022-03-22 09:02:58

    A comedy of life belonging to Jacques Tati

    As a comedy genius in French film history, Jacques Tati brings a masterpiece inspired by comedy alive with his unique camera language and physical performance.

    Concise and crisp lines and a deep-focus lens with a large panorama, the film establishes a modern city full of technology with modernist...

  • Jarrod 2022-03-21 09:03:26

    A meeting in the fifties

    It was boring at first, and the lines were sometimes absent. It probably seemed to be a story between a wealthy family with very avant-garde decoration and an uncle who lived in the countryside.

    Later, some things were delayed, so I continued to read it after a day, and I paid attention to the...

  • Shana 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    The later films of Tati, the more he sees his fear of technological progress and urbanization. I am not saying that he is a conservative. On the contrary, he is gentle, radical, and more critical. The puppetized and alienated scene designs in the film are all behind It is aimed at people's emotions, and even the "human nature" that is now said to be rotten. Tati is not a fetishist, no matter how beautiful and simple the design is, he can't cherish the emotional communication between people. He sees the lost pure character of Paris (French or European society) after urbanization. Hulot and girls meet every day , the most beautiful moments of the movie, the most beautiful moments of the movie, the most beautiful moments in the movie, the children's jokes, the children's jokes, and the unintentional pranks of the father and the children at the end, people live in the cold urban design, forget the perception of the body and the senses, Excessive ritual and cleanliness, blind and purposeless praise, all just tell people that they will eventually go to nothingness. Tati is to rebuild the value and meaning of life, and because of him, the cinema has become more existential, and he recalls the children in life. Interest, in exchange for the sensitivity of life, is no longer suppressed by a single narrative line, the sound and picture are liberated, and the film has since stepped into the era of democratization.

  • Shanny 2022-03-20 09:03:06

    Absurd, ironic, pedantic, and funny. I really like the opening and ending of the film, as well as the soundtrack that jumps throughout the film, and also, the house where my uncle lives, which is very popular.

Mon Oncle quotes

  • Charles Arpel: We could go to the Sexy Club.

    Madame Arpel: I prefer Constantino and his nice music.