Extended Reading
  • Libbie 2022-07-09 23:56:23

    Everyone is "sick"

    Mozart hummed his tune - a tune for anger over excellence.
    The whales counted endlessly—to calm themselves from restlessness and fear.
    Some people kept laughing, although she spoke of sadness.
    Some people add groups of "partners" at home to listen to their hearts.
    Maybe everyone is sick, lonely,...

  • Spencer 2022-09-24 16:29:43

    Loneliness and love

    In such a small family with autism, there are unstable quarrels and worries that may be triggered everywhere. Even if the male and female protagonists realize that they like each other, although their happiness together is so simple and pure, it always brings instability. rage and triggers.


Mozart and the Whale quotes

  • [Donald comes in front of a car in a parking lot]

    Car driver: Trying to get yourself killed?

    Donald Morton: Maybe later.

  • Isabelle Sorenson: I can't promise you the future Donald Duck. I don't know if this is for 2 days or 20 years.

    Donald Morton: Maybe it's something about us that's normal.