Extended Reading
  • Aaliyah 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    Thoughts on "Stoning" and Procedural Justice

    There are very few film reviews, and most of them are personal thoughts, which can be regarded as a record of one's own mood. Please judge whether to continue watching according to your preferences.

    I felt a little uncomfortable the moment I watched it. At that moment, I was emotional and almost...

  • Ashleigh 2022-04-23 07:04:57

    Poirot's choice

    "Detective Polo" was filmed from 1989 to 2013 and was based on the original novel by Agatha Christie, starring British actor David Suchet. David Suchet has played the role of Poirot for over twenty years, and in my opinion, he is the best Hercule Poirot. There are many longevity dramas in the UK...

Murder on the Orient Express quotes

  • Hercule Poirot: [Concerning Ratchett] Was he, in your opinion, a gentleman?

    Edward Masterman: Nothing of the kind, but he had money. Put a sewer rat in a suit, and he's still a sewer rat; he's just in a suit.

  • Caroline Hubbard: What is it with these men who go around falling in love with the staff?