Extended Reading
  • Linnea 2022-03-13 08:01:01

    Onibaba: Woman, Human, Demon

    Onibaba: Woman, Human, Demon
    The mysterious history of the Northern and Southern Courts, the romance of the war between the shogun Ashikaga Takauji and emperor Go-Daigo, and the legendary headless king… reenacted with aesthetic beauty and literary interest in Tanizaki's “Yoshino kuzu,” the Sengoku...

  • Beulah 2022-03-13 08:01:01

    [This is not a movie review] The hag under desire

    This is not a movie review, it's a personal opinion

    Pay attention to these two places

  • Neoma 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    I was really scared to death watching this movie when I was a kid

  • Calista 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    This scale should be considered amazing at that time, right? ! But those poor makeup techniques didn't inspire my horror cells at all, but the actors themselves looked weird. Well, I really don't understand these kinds of movies, it's like The Grudge. midnight bell

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Onibaba quotes

  • Woman: Want to sleep with me?

    Hachi: [laughs] An old woman like you?

    Woman: Stupid! I'm not old on the inside. Come on. Try me.

  • Kichi's Wife: Isn't it heavy?

    Woman: No. Not very.

    Kichi's Wife: Shall I go along too?

    Woman: No, I'll go by myself.

    Kichi's Wife: But, it'll be night when you return.

    Woman: Once it's dark, it can't get any darker.