Extended Reading
  • Valentin 2022-03-27 08:01:01

    The relationship between Disney and Pixar from "Presto"

    As one of the magic show props, Alec the bunny has a golden birdcage with his name engraved on it, but it is only a prop in the magician's one-man show after all. Also, sometimes forced to perform on an empty stomach. However, because it is familiar with the magician Presto's performance methods,...

  • Albert 2022-03-27 08:01:01

    Cooperation is the last word

    Cooperation is the last word.

    We live in an era of
    technological explosion. The speed at which technology is changing people's lives has made people feel that they are a little bit behind.
    However, in the field of scientific research, the exchanges and cooperation between scientists in our country...

  • Madyson 2022-03-31 09:01:09

    Suitable for all ages, never get tired of seeing it, the rabbit is so cute!

  • Emma 2022-03-31 09:01:09

    Not a great work by pixar's standards. . .

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