Extended Reading
  • Orland 2021-11-16 08:01:27

    No choice for destiny

    The 2012 WSOP championship is finally out. When I saw the final hand of the final table on YouTube, Merson took Kd5d all in. In the end, he took away more than 8 million US dollars with the high card, which is really amazing.

    The game table and the cash table are indeed very different. The...

  • Marco 2022-03-23 09:01:42

    A lot of good movies

    As a professional-targeted Texas Hold'em player, the film has a natural sense of substitution, and many of the stories are especially relevant if you've experienced something similar.
    After all, about poker technology is a movie from many years ago, which is far from the mainstream style of play...

  • Gerald 2022-04-23 07:01:45

    Movies that feature the narration of the protagonist must find an infectious voice to interpret, otherwise the score will be greatly reduced. Malkovich was in charge of the head and tail, Norton took over and interrupted, and the two male supporting cast left Damon 18 across the road. It's kind of weird to look at when the inspirational quote hits the gaming table.

  • Samson 2022-04-21 09:01:48

    The endless narration directly made me fall asleep, I opened my eyes and saw how he won when I went. I thought this was a commercial film similar to the Hong Kong-made gambling king series, but I didn't expect it to be a chattering life. Guide textbook. Norton male god how do you act like what (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)

Rounders quotes

  • Worm: [while taking poker chips from Mike at the poker room inside The Mirage casino] let's get started, shall we?

    Taj Dealer: [to worm] I'm sorry sir you can't take chips from another player at the table

    Card Player: [referring to the other rounders at the table, before turning to the player sitting to his right] you know what we all know each other here, we're like friends, so if nobody complains, do you have a problem?

    Card Player: it's alright

    Worm: there's no problem

    Taj Dealer: sir, you have to buy them from me

  • Mike McDermott: [while leaving Grama's brothel after failing to convince him to give them more time to pay back worm's debt to him and Teddy KGB] what the hell are you doing?

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: [explaining why he mouthed off which resulted in failing to convince him to give them more time to pay back his debt to him and Teddy KGB] I'm not going to get down on my knees for that jerk off

    Mike McDermott: all I said was to keep your mouth shut for like five seconds.

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: [realizing his pride got the better of him] I'm sorry

    Mike McDermott: God damn it

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: that's it, I mean I'm really "sunk" now

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: [before they begin to list the poker games they can play and win enough money to pay back worm's debt to Grama and Teddy KGB] where do you want to start?

    Mike McDermott: [referring to the amount of the poker blinds in the poker game] look there's the 30/60 at The Chesterfield, there's the 4am in Woodside, There's the Greeks.

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: alright there's union game in Jersey I know a guy's cousin can get us in

    Mike McDermott: that's four

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: there's the cigar shop in Brooklyn is an easy clean

    Mike McDermott: there's a golf pro game in Riverdale

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: that's a good one

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: yeah there's a lot of money in that one

    Mike McDermott: that's six

    Lester 'Worm' Murphy: you sure you're up for this?

    Mike McDermott: [feeling confident] I'm fuckin up for this