Extended Reading
  • Kole 2022-03-24 09:01:36

    The fight between the stupid fairy and the evil witch The princess and the prince are just props hhh of course you can't use the current point of view to see the fairy tale at that time. Love Luo is so beautiful. I love Liao clumsily preparing for a birthday surprise. I really like the little animals pretending to be princes. So cute ớ ₃ờ

  • Tamara 2021-11-13 08:01:23

    On the other side of the Cinderella dish, I really like the scene of three fairies making cakes, but I dare not watch it after my birthday.

Sleeping Beauty quotes

  • King Hubert: To the wedding!

    King Stefan: Now, be reasonable, Hubert. After all, Aurora knows nothing about all this.

    King Hubert: Well?

    King Stefan: Well, it may come as quite a shock.

    King Hubert: [Spits out his wine] Shock? My Phillip a shock? What's wrong with my Phillip?

    King Stefan: Nothing, Hubert. I only meant...

    King Hubert: Why doesn't your daughter like my son?

    King Stefan: Now, now...

    King Hubert: I'm not so sure my son likes your daughter!

    King Stefan: Now, see here...

    King Hubert: I'm not so sure my grandchildren want you for a grandfather!

    King Stefan: Why you, you, unreasonable, pompous, blustering old windbag!

    King Hubert: Unreasonable, pompous... En garde, sir!

    [Reaches for his sword, but grabs a fish by mistake]

    King Stefan: I warn you, Hubert. This means war!

    King Hubert: [Fighting] Forward! For honor! For country! For...

    [Realizes he's fighting with a fish; they both start laughing]

    King Hubert: What's this all about, anyway?

    King Stefan: Nothing, Hubert. Absolutely nothing.

    King Hubert: Those children are bound to fall in love with each other!

    King Stefan: Precisely. And as for grandchildren, I'll have the royal woodcarvers start work on the cradle tomorrow.

    King Hubert: Splendid! King-sized, of course.

    King Stefan: Certainly! To the Woodcarvers' Guild!

  • Princess Aurora: [on her return from picking berries] Aunt Flora? Fauna? Merrywether?

    [closes the door, but finds the house silent]

    Princess Aurora: Where is everybody?

    Princess Aurora: [gasps as she sees her new dress draped over a chair and rushes toward it eagerly] Oh!

    FloraFaunaMerryweather: [appearing from their hiding place] Surprise! Surprise! Happy Birthday!

    Princess Aurora: Oh, you darlings! This is the happiest day of my life! Everything's *so* wonderful!