Extended Reading
  • Kacie 2022-07-17 18:26:43

    "Stranger Place"

    In addition to the characters, the most important character in the film is the Australian desert. In a seemingly vast but irritable and closed environment, the relationship between people is like seeing no one in the wild sand dance, even if you considered the most familiar.

    Female director Kim...

  • Haylie 2022-07-17 23:04:25

    Analysis Insider

    Everyone is confused after reading it. I understand it this way. Her daughter is born a slut. It is said that when she was a few years old, she took off her clothes and danced striptease in front of her mother. Her mother said that she was really beautiful. Great, she slept with the teacher later,...

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Strangerland quotes

  • [last lines]

    Lily Parker: There is a stillness in the air, and I'm in it. There are no sounds, no whispers, no shadows, no darkness. And just for a moment, there is no 'you', no 'me'. And I'm not lost.

  • Catherine Parker: Looks like it's gonna rain.

    Matthew Parker: If I could just take back that moment.
