Extended Reading
  • Jared 2022-10-23 17:16:10

    I didn't expect this movie to look like this

    I didn't expect this film to look like this, and it would be of great help to my graduation thesis. I'll just use the analysis of this movie as a model, because it covers pretty much everything I want to discuss. This is probably the most massively Chinese film I've seen so far. In the French...

  • Allan 2022-10-23 12:00:27

    it is good!

    My French is very poor, so I watched it with subtitles. It seems to be very bad English or German letters. I'm afraid I can't understand it well in many places. For example, Tanguy said, "The pubic hair also has its shadow", and the translation said, it is an old Chinese saying, (I guess there is...

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