Extended Reading
  • Ima 2022-03-24 09:03:52


    It's like entering a restaurant, the lights are dim, but the atmosphere is not scary, but warm.
    The signature dish was served, which was not found elsewhere, three dishes, one more rare than the other.
    The first is "sexual desire," and your eyes go wide.
    The second is "appetite", you cover your...

  • Miles 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    The twisted stitches are beautiful.

    When your body is like a mass of rotting flesh you can't control your movements but you are forced to eat you remove the weight you weigh into your own
         body Soul You're left with a gigantic empty shell Your guts are replaced by straw or you've changed your guts to fit your

         skin, cut...

  • Reagan 2022-03-27 09:01:22

    Eastern Europe, deformities, humans and pigs, one hundred years

  • Cheyenne 2022-03-23 08:01:02

    Three-stage, good TMD and heavy taste. Not Pasolini's but Jansfancke-Mayer's...Audio-visual language is a lot of close-up editing, as well as bizarre moving shots and angles. In addition to food, people also pursue transcendence - the so-called mummy complex. This movie probably doesn't have the appetite to watch it a second time...but it's really NB.

Taxidermia quotes

  • Kicsi Kálmán: Finished!