Extended Reading
  • Macie 2022-04-13 08:01:01

    The bridge is there, the people are not there

    The Golden Gate Bridge, a popular suicide spot, I used to run on it. I remember it was cold that day. I just got off the plane and just finished my McDonald's breakfast and coffee. To keep my body warm, I had to run on the bridge. In the foggy early morning, there are endless traffic, there are...

  • Mona 2022-04-13 09:01:07

    On the Golden Gate Bridge, just high in the sky

    "Golden Gate Bridge" documentary footage

    In April 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was completed and opened to the public in May of the same year. To this year, 2017, the full 80th anniversary.

    10 years ago in 2007, Eric Steel's documentary "The Bridge" was released in one year (2004)....

  • Angie 2022-04-13 09:01:07

    The subject is too heavy to ignore. But the shooting is not perfect, 3.5 stars recommended.

  • Marcus 2022-04-22 07:01:59

    Those relatives and friends of the deceased speculate that their mood is the most meaningless part, and no one but themselves knows what they are thinking. But the story of one of the jumped but survivors is well worth listening to

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The Bridge quotes

  • Witness: [after witnessing a suicide] When I talked to the highway patrolman, I asked him "Is this a rare occurrence or does this happen a lot?" And he looked and me and he sort of smiled and he said, "It happens all the time."

  • [Last lines]

    Caroline Pressley - Gene's Friend, South San Francisco, CA: I don't know why people kill themselves. And yet, it's a small step to empathize... to say... well, because I think we all experience moments of despair. That, ah, it would be so much easier not to do this anymore. But for most of us, the sun comes out, and then "Oh well, Tomorrow is another day". Why he chose the Bridge? I don't know. Maybe there was a certain amount of release from pain, by pain. Maybe he just wanted to fly one time.