Extended Reading
  • Ayla 2022-03-05 08:01:07

    I like the queen so much

    The entertainment is greater than the historical truth. The tone of the film is beautiful and the rhythm is relatively strong. The Queen's aggression index is indeed on the table, and it is better than the old version in terms of handsomeness. Christina is a bit of a go-to person. She studies...

  • Rahsaan 2022-03-05 08:01:07

    Soft inside but strong

    I really like this kind of lily film with content. I was surprised to find that there are very few barrages when I watch it. Maybe everyone is watching it very seriously. Overall, I feel very distressed and admire the Queen. Her lover, her best friend, knew she wanted freedom but she was the queen...

  • Laverna 2022-03-05 08:01:07

    Christina played by Garbo is a woman who dares to love and hate, and Christina played by Busca is a smart, brave, persistent, handsome and somewhat willful and naughty girl. Different styles, different feelings, the only thing in common is that the queen eventually lost her lover, gave up the throne, and pursued herself. I'm not very satisfied with the casting of the countess in this film, she's not beautiful enough, nor has the temperament.

  • Sunny 2022-04-19 09:03:02

    One more star for the three-star level is completely given to the handsome queen

The Girl King quotes

  • Queen Kristina: [eating hunter's stew] By the rusty nails of Christ's cross, this is delicious!

  • Queen Kristina: Et voilà! The humanists are here by the door. the stoics by the windows and the library of the humanist Grotius will arrive soon. Can you imagine? Forty-eight cartloads of books!