Extended Reading
  • Nick 2022-09-15 13:37:51

    Is it the future or the past?

    The publicity photos of the show and the first reaction to the name give the impression that it is probably a sad handmaid in the Middle Ages. However, I never thought about it, but it is the future. One day in the future, the fertility rate of human beings will drop sharply. In fact, this is also...

  • Tanner 2022-09-22 20:16:42

    scary but powerful

    Although the story "happens" in Canada, it is very real, which is why I was terrified when I first watched the first few episodes, because such a story could really happen to us. In a patriarchal society, women are the appendages of men. Those ladies seem noble and powerful, but they are also...

The Handmaid's Tale quotes

  • Moira: Hey, that shit is contagious. You want to see your baby girl again? Then you need to keep your fucking shit together.