Extended Reading
  • Krystina 2022-04-20 09:02:54

    Finally you are here

    First of all, I declare that this five-star is only for this happy ending. Thank you for giving Naruto a home. (Actually, I still hope that Neji will not leave. Although I gave Naruto and Hinata a good assist, there are still many ways to assist, alas)
       I still remember that the first time I...

  • Keith 2022-04-10 09:01:08

    This is not the Naruto I want...

    This is the first Naruto theatrical version I've seen.

    Because of the end of Naruto last year, I re-read the manga to make up for the plot that I didn't read when I was a kid. Then there will be a theater on the Internet to tell the relationship between Naruto and Hinata. But I never thought it...

  • Evan 2022-04-13 09:01:06

    The fighting scenes are not exciting, and the emotional scenes are super abrupt. Hinata has always liked Naruto, everyone on Earth knows, but Naruto's sudden realization is more like moving than liking, and it takes a movie to tell this story can't tell clearly. It's understandable that Sakura turns into soy sauce. Sasuke should give at least two minutes of shots. Don't flash and go down. Is it easy for me to be the second male.

  • Bobby 2022-04-12 09:01:09

    Naruto is a family of four. So happy. Marrying your childhood sweetheart is so perfect.