Extended Reading
  • Anais 2022-03-20 09:03:08


    I like the life of the middle class, especially the big fish tank. After reading it, I feel that fish can also live freely and artistically. The fish tank is not a bad thing.

    They live steadily every day, step by step, nice, comfortable and clean. Everyone yearns for it. There is a tacit...

  • Angelo 2022-03-22 09:03:00


    Watching the explosion in the second half, a word suddenly popped up.
    All the destruction they did, I first understood, was to deny everything in the world. Deny your own past, deny your living state, deny material things, deny society.
    The tone of the whole story, as everyone thought and...

  • Ole 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    Five-body cast! Become a Haneke fan and stay committed!

  • Stella 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Maybe one day I will despair too

The Seventh Continent quotes

  • Anna Schober: Four days ago, at the beginning of the month, Georg started in his new position. It took him a lot to get there. You might remember that when he first started, his new boss didn't like him at all. But now he's made it. He brought new inspiration to the department. So when his boss fell ill with an intestinal problem and was off sick more than at work, Georg was asked to take over the department provisionally. His boss is retiring soon anyway. Georg's appointment as head of department is just a formality now. You have every reason to be proud of your son. Alexander is much better. He went on a cruise to Scandinavia which did him a world of good. He sends his regards. Georg's senior boss Dr. Breitenfels is coming for dinner tonight. This is our way of thanking him for his party two weeks ago where Georg's new position was unofficially confirmed. His boss is a real gourmet, so I'll have to cook something extra special. I'll try your stuffed duck recipe, Mother. Wish me luck.

  • Anna Schober: Have you gone mad?

    Evi Schober: Have you gone mad? Why?

    Anna Schober: Why? How come you say you're blind? Are you mad?

    Evi Schober: I didn't.

    Anna Schober: You didn't? Your teacher made it up? Answer me.

    Evi Schober: I never said that.

    Anna Schober: Look at me. Come on, tell me, did you pretend to be blind? Come on, tell me. I just want to know the truth. Come on. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Is it true? Did you pretend to be blind?

    Evi Schober: Yes.

    [Anna slaps Evi in the face]