Extended Reading
  • Nikita 2022-06-27 20:27:13

    Son of no one, humanity survives

    The current film likes jumping montages very much, only one raiding the central bank, and now another one is No Man’s Son;

    this film has a huge cast, only supporting characters, Al Pacino, Juliette Binoche, Relio, etc., Obviously a small cost, but there are so many celebrities to help out. I just...

  • Jaylan 2022-06-27 16:42:51

    Thoughts on Moral Standards

    The theme of this film can be understood from the category of ethics, namely, utilitarianism and absolute morality. Which one is the real standard of moral decision-making?

    The moral choice based on utilitarianism in the film: Al Pacino didn't want to ruin little Milk's life for 2 Pieces of Shit,...

  • Deondre 2022-06-27 16:55:27

    The three generations of the dirty cop are in the same house...

  • Alvina 2022-06-27 18:05:21

    Known as a crime thriller, it's neither scary nor scary. The first half hour was well set up, and the soundtrack shots were quite attractive, but after that, it was a mess. Juliette Binoche was a bright addition, Al Pacino wasted, Channing Tatum had no trouble, and James Ransone had no breakthrough.

The Son of No One quotes

  • Detective Charles Stanford: I can't save the world, this ain't no fucking Superman suit I'm wearing.

  • Detective Charles Stanford: You can hate me for the rest of your life, but you're a free man now! YOU'RE A FREE MAN!