Extended Reading
  • Fabiola 2022-03-15 08:01:02

    my hercules

    my hercules

    When I was very young, more than 30 years ago, so long ago, it was terrifying.

  • Wilbert 2022-03-15 08:01:02

    Looking for Memories 20 Years Ago - Relive the Aftermath

    When I watched it back then, it should have been at least 20 years ago. If the full score is 10, I will give it 10,000 points. This time I revisited it, and many places shocked me, it was really ugly. But this classic cartoon already represents culture, history, and memories, so I give 8 points....

  • Eddie 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    Optimus Prime's toy when I was a child... I lost it when I moved...

  • Gail 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream

The Transformers quotes

  • Grimlock: You, Megatron, tricked us. Make us fight good leader, Optimus Prime. Prime risked own life to save us. Baaad Megatron!

    Megatron: [rapidly] Decepticons, transform, quick, at once!

  • Brawn: [hefts Megatron's cannon] Let's see how Megatron likes a dose of his own medicine.

    [Fires it at Megatron and tumbles backward]

    Brawn: Now that was a kick.

    Brawn: [Laserbeak swipes the cannon from Brawn] Bring that back, you birdbrain!

    Megatron: [Laserbeak drops the cannon onto Megatron's arm] No one does that to me, and continues to function!

    [fires at Brawn]