Extended Reading
  • Jerry 2022-09-10 20:23:35

    What is love?

    When I watched this film, it happened to be the most painful period. My MM broke up with me. My only relationship ended like this. The pain in it is needless to say.
      I began to think about what is the true interpretation of love. Do people only need to live a life of so-called great love? I am...

  • Americo 2022-09-24 08:09:00

    a dark perspective

    The tragic ending turns the story into a beautiful fairy tale. What would happen if the heroine hadn't gone to death? Under the gap of "experience from prostitutes", the emotional foundation of love at first sight is too thin.

    When I saw the heroine go to sea, I was thinking, if I were...

  • Luther 2022-04-21 09:03:09

    I feel like shit compared to Casablanca.

  • Sunny 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    (8/10) Both Roy and mother-in-law accepted Mara, only she never forgave herself... (The second female is a wonderful being.)

Waterloo Bridge quotes

  • Lady Margaret Cronin: Forgive me, my dear, but, are you quite well?

    Myra Lester: Yes-yes, of course. I had a drink, that's all, it made me feel funny, queer! What's it like in Scotland? I've never been there. It always sounds so quaint, you know, the heather and the peat. Ha-ha. Peat comes from Ireland, doesn't it. I've never been there, either.

  • Myra Lester: How have we been living?

    Kitty: What difference does it make, as long as we live.

    Myra Lester: Where's the money coming from? Where are you getting it?

    Kitty: Where do you think I've been getting it? I was trying to keep it from you, but - well, you know now.

    Myra Lester: You did it for me.

    Kitty: No I didn't! I'd a done it anyhow. C'est La Guerre. No jobs. No boys who want to marry you. Only men who want to kill a few hours, 'cause they know it may be their last.