Extended Reading
  • Gerda 2022-10-19 12:09:59

    Anyone going to the cinema to see this?

    At first glance at the poster, it looks like a 3D piranha, but upon closer inspection, there is an ominous premonition that this beaver looks more and more fake! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    At the beginning of the movie, two gay men drove a car to transport chemicals, drifted down together in a can, and were...

  • Theo 2022-10-19 16:57:31

    just selling meat

    In 2014, the comedy horror movie "Zombie Beavers | Zombeavers"

    was classified as a comedy movie. I was still deceived. I watched a spoof movie with the feeling of watching a horror movie. I have to mention that the title animation is quite cute. , but to the beaver. . This Nima is a rotten doll. ....

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Zombeavers quotes

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    Buck: It just smells so bad down there...

  • Sam: Come out to the lake, have a few laughs...