Deep Blue Sea 2 Quotes

  • Carl Durant: [about the sharks] They're learning how to learn and they like it!

  • Trent Slater: Sharks don't eat nerds.

  • Misty Calhoun: You know, the idea that Great Whites are these malicious killing machines, roving the shorelines looking for a swimmer to chomp on, is pure fiction perpetuated by Hollywood. I mean, these magnificent and unfairly represented creatures are simply looking for fish or a nice fat seal to eat. You know, anytime there s a human attack, it's just a case of mistaken identity.

  • Carl Durant: Yes. They are a bit more dangerous than traditional lab rats, but no one is gonna get hurt here.

    Misty Calhoun: You cant guarantee that?

    Carl Durant: Actually, I can.

  • [first lines]

    Kwame: Blacktip on the line!

  • [last lines]

    Teenage Boy: There are no sharks at this beach, I promise you.

  • Trent Slater: Aaron? What's the most important rule here?

    Aaron Ellroy: Don't piss into the wind and don't pull on Superman's cape...

    [Trent seems disgruntled]

    Aaron Ellroy: Yeah, no, that's the second most important rule of course.