Lady Snowblood Quotes

  • Yuki Kashima: Look at me closely. Do I look like someone you raped?

  • Narrator: People say you can't wash away the mud of this world with pure white snow. You need asura snow - stained fiery red.

Extended Reading
  • Ottilie 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Killing Bill is to learn from him. Although some parts look silly now, but the shape and action are wonderful. It was possible to make such a film in 1973. I really don’t know if the pace of progress is too slow or what. I have seen the shadow of many movies. It is full of contradictions of the times and full of vitality.

  • Dillon 2022-03-17 08:01:01

    This film is the ancestor of the Kill Bill series, and the following points were moved to imitate by Quentin: Zhang Hui-style structure setting, the enemy's upside-down group portrait shots, the group fight mode and scene layout of the Aoba House killing, Ishii Ah The appearance of lotus in the snow, the layout of the cruel practice of martial arts, the episode The Flower Of Carnage. - This fellow salutes really thoroughly! 【★★★☆ 】