The Bear Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Bill: [examining bear tracks] That's a huge male; bet he's more'n fifteen hundred pounds.

  • Bill: You see, I don't like to ask folks questions; everyone has a secret side. By God, that's the way it should be.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [shooing the bear cub away] Good luck, little fella.

  • Tom: [speaks to bear cub] I... Tom.

  • [Angered by the death and maiming of their horses and mule by the Kodiak bear in retaliation for being shot by his companion Tom, Bill is filled with vengeance]

    Bill: I swear it I'll kill you!

Extended Reading
  • Raleigh 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    The Lion King should see how to make a feature film that uses animals to tell people about people. Less is more: the expressions of animals are still far from the performance, the director reduced the BGM, and used natural voices to immerse the audience into the world of the movie; animals have no language, and the dream of clay animation fills the vacancy of the audience's imagination; People are different, and the director created two lines of interweaving to enhance emotional connection. It is still a limitation and regret to impose on animals from a human perspective, but in the name of tolerance and coexistence, and the reality of human self-centeredness, this film seems to be deceitful in the sense of harmonious ecology. Under the new hatred and old hatred of the big bear, he finally stopped when he faced human beings. In exchange for the release of the professional hunter who was injured and killed his horse and his fortune was cut off, he undoubtedly grafted the western story on the natural pastoral field, which is far better than using a cheetah to wear it. Big Bear Love. ps: During the filming process, the bears also suffered a lot.

  • Everett 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    A film full of natural love like a documentary~ Although I know that many scenes of killing and injury should be fake, I can't help but worry. Fortunately, there is a note at the end, telling us that all these scenes are stunts and do not hurt any small Animals, my heart finally fell~ I sincerely hope that humans and animals can coexist in 100% harmony~

The Bear

Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud

Language: English,French Release date: October 27, 1989

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