It's not easy for seven children

Anais 2022-01-01 08:02:13

The work of the talented British woman Emma Tompson five years ago is really suitable for young and old. If you look at the talents of others, and then look at the movies that our so-called talented woman Xu Jinglei exported and performed, you will know that our film talent training and the film market are inferior to others. It's a street.

Pure fairy tale touch, a little warm, a little humor, a little magic. The children are super cute, especially Sangster who plays the boss, he also played a super cute little boy in love acutally. I am also 20 years old this year, and there is still no long-term disability.

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Extended Reading
  • Cale 2022-01-01 08:02:13

    It's touching (wiping tears), the nanny is also a beauty

  • Raphael 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    Friends over the age of 12 don't need to read it, and those under the age of 12 are strongly recommended to watch it.

Nanny McPhee quotes

  • Mr. Brown: [monologue] I was confident that there was nothing they could do to upset her.

    Nanny Whetstone: [charges into the mortuary screaming] THEY'VE EATEN THE BABY!

    Mr. Brown: [monologue] Except that.

  • Narrator: Hello. Unfortunately, we must start the story with an empty chair. If it wasn't empty, however, we wouldn't have a story. But, it is, and we do, so we must tell it.