Have you decided what kind of animal you will become?

Rosetta 2022-09-06 05:17:42

"I want to become a lobster, with aristocratic blue blood, eternal reproductive function, and live to be a hundred years old."

This is the confession of the male protagonist to the hotel manager on the first day he was sent to the matching hotel. The world constructed by the movie is extreme, everything must be right or wrong, a social city must be made up of families, and a single person must find the other half (with a common ground match) within 45 days of the "matching hotel", otherwise it can only be relegated to an animal.

At the beginning of the film, it is explained that the hero was abandoned by his wife and therefore sent to the hotel. He moves into the view room with his older brother (a failed pairing relegated to a dog), and as a middle-class representative who has never been single and has been married for 11 years, the hero takes it all with equanimity, accommodating it as best he can. However, it didn't go as smoothly as he imagined.

In the days that followed, he saw someone resorting to cheating (pretending to have a certain characteristic of the other half) for a match, saw someone commit suicide out of desperation, and when faced with being disqualified from finding a partner, he chose cheating . "It's more difficult to pretend

you do have feelings when you don't than to pretend you don't have feelings when you do."

Common attributes: They don't care about all living beings, take the pleasure of oppressing and hurting others, and even the cold-blooded woman is not surprised that she almost died of choking. The days of two people together are also short-lived, because a marriage cannot be built on deceit for a long time. The cold-blooded woman brutally killed his brother to test the male lead.

The anger and grief finally broke out the originally calm male protagonist, fled the matching hotel and hid in the forest. Ironically, all the rules of the "loner camp" in the forest are contrary to society, no pairing is allowed, and all flirting must accept the strictest punishment.

Even more unfortunate, he found a girl who was as short-sighted as him and "fallen in love" with her. The captain of the loner camp discovers their secret and ends up blinding the girl as punishment for their love. Lonely people hiding in the forest never believe in the existence of true love, and they keep attacking hotel couples to let them know that people love only themselves.

Back to the problem of the male protagonist: he wants to take the female protagonist to escape back to the city, but for the sake of legitimacy, he must poke his eyes out.

The end of the film is open-ended, just like the whole movie. The gentle character of the male protagonist and the conflict of the entire extreme society unfold in front of us naked and bluntly. The absurd plot and black humorous pictures make us laugh and reflect. Where do the usual rules come from, where is the boundary between the rules of marriage and individual free love, whether there is a need to be punished for changing beliefs, where is the state of collective and individual reconciliation... In the

film Each of the characters represents a different point of view in the society, some blindly pay and abandon themselves and beg for meager love, some adhere to the principle and would rather sacrifice rather than compromise, some are timid and have a fluke mentality and wait foolishly, and some have a heart The goal is clear and the end is the beginning... They each got a different ending, which also revealed the director's point of view on love and marriage:

1. Love is a matter between two people and has nothing to do with a third party. It is a good thing for some people to fall in love with someone who is similar or dissimilar to them, and it is not a bad thing for some people to give this part of the love to themselves without meeting them. No choice is absolute. Neither the government, non-profit organizations, friends or even family members have the right to interfere. This is a fundamental human freedom.

2. Marriage needs to be built on trust and sincerity. The male protagonist in the film hides his feelings and is with a cold-blooded woman, and eventually the matter is revealed, and he loses his brother because of it. Although the society in the film sets a threshold such as "the couple must have common characteristics", in order to highlight trust and sincerity, the deceiver must be punished by "becoming an animal that everyone hates."

3. Society is multi-faceted, everyone should reserve judgment on others and should not hurt others. The "loner camp" in the film is the opposite of "normal society". It does not believe in so-called marriage and love, hates cheating, and is only willing to be a ranger for a lifetime. When the captain of the "Lonely Camp" attacked the hotel at night, the once harmonious and loving couple was challenged with a dilemma. At the same time, the loner camp also punishes all flirts with "fire kisses" (cutting lips to kiss), in order to defend their ideal of love purity.

The film reflects not only love, but also values. When we grow up and encounter setbacks and pains, we will increasingly find that society is a big diamond with thousands of facets. Everyone wants to see through it, everyone wants to have it, but everyone because of their own Smallness is in the blind man touching the elephant. Everyone diligently summed up their own principles and principles related to the world, and some people were gradually followed. The more people followed, the more they became a public figure. Public figures gossip and influence our perception and judgment of society. The society is still so colorful and unpredictable, and no one can play God. The film gave us many open perspectives, allowing us to think about our own answers.

People with broken personalities in society are blindly obedient and follow the trend, confused and unhappy. Like the woman who loved butter biscuits in the tragic Room 180 in the film, begging for sympathy, losing herself, and finally collapsed in a pool of her own blood, screaming and dying. The reason for our efforts is not to copy the opinions and ideas of others, but to discover where the power in our hearts comes from, to understand ourselves, to constantly express and speak out, and to seek people on the same channel, so as to be more aware of our own ideas and values. When everyone in the world regards desire as ideal, sophistication as maturity, numbness as deepness, and slickness as wisdom, you can disapprove and remain unmoved.

The film uses strange techniques, a black absurd feeling, and the soothing music that goes with the killing. It expresses black humor and violent aesthetics incisively and vividly, bringing viewers endless reverie and contemplation. Finally, let me mention that the handsome guy Colin did a great job. He gained so much weight for this drama. He exuded the pain, entanglement and forbearance struggle of the middle class without revealing his every move, every eye and every breath. Weisz...


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Extended Reading
  • Kay 2022-05-19 22:36:05

    Frigidity movie of the year, can't get an erection for a month after watching it.

The Lobster quotes

  • Nosebleed Woman: I'm sorry, I've got blood on your shirt. But don't worry, there are many ways to remove bloodstains from clothing. One way is to rinse the clothes with cold water then rub with sea salt. Another way is to scrub the stains with cotton wool dipped in ammonia. The third way is to mix flour and water into a paste, like toothpaste, especially if the clothes are delicate or brightly coloured. But just never use warm water on blood, ever.

  • Short Sighted Woman: [narrating] One day, as he was playing golf, he thought that it is more difficult to pretend that you do have feelings when you don't than to pretend you don't have feelings when you do.