Never leave

Dedric 2021-12-14 08:01:05

In this movie, it is estimated that men will see freedom, while women will never leave.
So this may be able to explain that the complaining wife always complains that the other party does not love her, and the complaining husband basically does not want to go home when he is drunk.
When watching movies at any age, most of them come to different conclusions, and we must understand materialism.
Of course, I am very envious of the American two-story building and the front lawn. This can't be forgotten either.

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Extended Reading
  • Thalia 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    So sad to see the end. .

  • Aryanna 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Awesome this animation! Lots of pretty good shots! The tense plot is intertwined! Unexpected but very touching ending! The expressions of the characters are very delicate and realistic, and I always feel that the protagonists are all imitating actors I know...=. = Children should just watch Shrek's vulgar movies like Toy Story, this kind of excitement is still left to us~

Monster House quotes

  • Chowder: It's time for an in your face disgrace!

    [basketball ricochets off the hoop and hits Chowder in the face]

    DJ: Are you okay?

    Chowder: My nose is in my brain!

    DJ: Let me see - Oh my God!

    Chowder: What?

    DJ: You're a dork.

  • [Jenny emerges from the closet after calling her mother on the phone]

    Jenny: [rolls her eyes] She didn't believe me.

    Chowder: [sighs] Authority can be so...

    [makes armpit noises]

    Jenny: Okay, normally I don't spend time with guys like you, but a house just tried to eat me, so... you've got one hour.