It's more outrageous than the Bible

Hannah 2021-12-30 17:21:42

The picture is very beautiful
. It is worth watching the film half a century ago.

But the screenwriter is too bragging. It will blow
this film more than the Bible. The title of the article was translated into "miracles" just right. The

Bible: "6 She opened the box and saw the child. When the child cried, she pityed him and said that this is a Hebrew child.
7 The child's sister told Pharaoh. The daughter said, I’ll call a nanny among the Hebrew women to breast-feed the child for you, is it okay?
8 Pharaoh’s daughter said, yes. The virgin went and called the child’s mother.
9 Pharaoh’s daughter was right. She said, "Take this child and nurse him for me, and I will pay you his wages. The woman took the child and nursed him.
10 As the child grew older, the woman brought him to Pharaoh's daughter. She gave her son. She named the child Moses, meaning, because I pulled him out of the water.
11 Later, when Moses grew up, he went out to his brothers to see their burden and saw an Egyptian beating Eber A brother of the coming man.
12 He looked around and saw that there was no one, so he beat the Egyptian to death and hid in the sand.
13 The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting, so he bullied him He said, "Why are you beating people of your race?"
14 The man said, "Who made you our leader and judge? Are you going to kill me like the Egyptian? Moses was afraid and said, "This is the matter." It must be known.
15 When Pharaoh heard this, he wanted to kill Moses, but Moses avoided Pharaoh and fled to live in Midian.
16 One day, he sat down by the well. The priests of Midian had seven daughters, They came to fetch water and filled the trough to drink from their father’s flock.
17 Shepherds came and drove them away, but Moses got up to help them and drank their flock again.
18 They came to their father ’s flock. Er, he said, why are you here so fast today?
19 They said that an Egyptian rescued us from the shepherd's hand and fetched water for us to drink the flock of sheep.
20 He said to his daughters, where is that man and why did you leave him? Go and invite him to dinner.
21 Moses stayed with the man willingly, and the man gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses as his wife.
22 Zipporah gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershon, saying, because I was a foreigner in a foreign country. "In the

Bible, he was born with his mother's milk, so he knew his identity. Instead of giving up the king,
he became a saint . Seeing his biological mother in the movie, he became a saint-don't you think he was too right to give up the throne? also the nerve to go to the same slave. Television plays it?

followed by another bug.
since the prince jealous fool because he lost in the desert, he came out of the Savior in relation to dare to do it?
no, he was secure in sheep, wife ... encounter God and doubt yourself ...
that in front of all give up their earlier life, just to give up foster mother sheep?
so did the logical thing, not God (by) doing what is?
or God's instructions?

behind, It embodies the terrorism of Jehovah. There are idols to draw lights with emotions.
If there is a God, this God just treats everyone as a plaything.
Well, it seems that God is playing a game. If you can't pass the level, you can go out and open the Red Sea.

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Extended Reading
  • Brionna 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    "The only truth I know is that I love you" - I can't forget the deep love of the Egyptian princess for Moses; Moses said to the Egyptian Pharaoh, who was like his father, that I must be so (return to the Hebrew nation), and the Pharaoh also said, that I also had to do so (capture Moses); the Hebrews doubted God again and again, and Moses almost despaired: even though you have seen the truth of God ten times, you still have no faith.

  • Percival 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    Smelly and long! I really don’t understand if the ancients were stupid. A future successor of state power wants to free slaves. After you become a pharaoh, you can free anyone you want. Why do you have to exile yourself to the frontier? Moses is also a fucking idiot, and he cheats his own children like this. Pharaoh and Seth are also idiots. Killing an old woman on a construction site is as easy as stepping on an ant, but they didn't kill the descendant of the slave who could rebel. They deserved it.

The Ten Commandments quotes

  • Moses: Do they love less who have no hope?

  • Baka: [after Baka got Lilia cleaned] No, no, no, no, no. Not red with the with the Sammur gown.

    Dathan: My eyes can best be used elsewhere, Lord Baka.

    Baka: Before you go, let them look upon what you thought unworthy. You would let beauty such as this go unseen. You would let such a flower go ungathered. Dathan, you can see only mud, so pick up her muddy clothes and go. Go, all of you!