The content of Witch Season basically has nothing to do with witches

Elmer 2021-12-15 08:01:01

Passing by the subway posters, Nicholas should have performed well, so I took my friend to watch it.
The prelude to sitting down was pretty good. My friend actually needed to cover his eyes with his hands to see, and the child was scared to cry. . . .
Well, the hanged witches in the Middle Ages have a history. I thought that they would be hanged if they were put on a witch hat during those dark days. Still quite expectant, the
beginning said that witches were hanged in large numbers and rituals. Real witches were in the ranks of hanged. Later, Lao Ni appeared on the scene, crusades, killed the wrong woman and children and fled with friends. When I came to a plague-ridden town and encountered a need to escort a witch to a certain place for a ritual, I often went to a ideological struggle. The witch, like a mermaid plus 4, became vicious and evil at any time, and killed it with illusion. Two people. Was it the true witch or was framed by the priest? Arrived at the destination, the pastor there was dead. When everyone shouted hopefully, they found the book, and then the pastor began to read. The witch turned into a devil, and the devil wanted to grab the book. It turned out that the ultimate goal of the devil was for them to bring him. Destroy this book. What's all this and what? Well, everyone is going to destroy the devil. The warrior 1 who fought together was hugged and cremated by the devil, and the warrior 2 Lao Ni and the devil were both defeated. When the old pastor has finished reading Amen, is it necessary to recite two rounds?
At the end of the game, my friend said that why the devil didn’t fly over by himself and he must be led by others. . . . I'm sweaty, why does the devil attach to the woman if he doesn't fly by himself. . . Do you pretend to be Daji? Very disappointed

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Extended Reading
  • Anastasia 2022-04-23 07:02:17

    ok...two stars for the prop...

  • Carli 2021-12-15 08:01:01

    NC I think you are picking up the film and it is almost NC... Wash and sleep...

Season of the Witch quotes

  • Behmen: [preparing for battle] Whomever slays the most men drinks for free.

    Felson: I'll take the 300 on the left, you take the 300 on the right.

    Behmen: But if we divide them evenly, who will buy tonight's drinks?

    Felson: Oh, you're buying, my friend.

  • Felson: [fighting in the Crusades] You ever get the feeling God has too many enemies?

    Behmen: Being His friend is not so easy either.