It's a Loop

Rubye 2021-12-15 08:01:14

In the daylight, Jane Eyre looked at herself still alone, and began to suspect that the confusion and love experienced in the middle of the night was just a dream. At this moment, you begin to feel that everything is familiar.

After all, you have personally experienced the toss and turns, so you also feel the anxiety of the waiting moment in the movie. With the fluent piano accompaniment, you seem to be walking along the wilderness with Jane, smiling to see her trying to control her sensibility with reason. Seeing that she thought she could pretend to be defeated, you laughed out loud, sighed and said, hey, silly girl.

You gradually feel that this story seems to be within reach but far away when you think about it. Who said that you can practice the process when you are familiar with it? You are forced by the busy city to digest fast food like everyone else. Wearing hard armor like others, you will throw conspiracy theories to prove your wisdom even in the face of the closest people. You regularly read the horoscope, read the 1/12 man encyclopedia, put the most utilitarian philosophy on the bedside, and point to the always fragile emotional embryo with crooked ways. You said that the times are different, the most important thing is fast. You have to desperately grasp something to prove that you have been there. I have grasped it, indeed, but I forgot that the love is eternal, its pure and simple tension. Under your pressure, all of them were killed in battle.

You feel boring, you put everything wrong on the innocent love, and after suffering gains and losses, you throw away a tasteless partner, and still resist crying, and seemingly decisively turn around and leave.
Then, turn to this story that happened two hundred years ago.
You have empty hands in front of the screen, and hold your arms tightly.
Nothing seems to have happened.

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Extended Reading
  • Javon 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    The enthusiasm of foreigners to remake Jane Eyre is the same as that of Chinese people to remake four famous novels. As a result, there are too many scoldings. Of course, the story frame can't be wrong. Overall, not ugly.

  • Leda 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    I didn't like the original book at first, and it took me two months to finish it, thinking that Jane Eyre was an uncompromising Bitch. So I don't like this movie. The rhythm is super slow and boring, coupled with the paralyzed expression of the heroine, it is really suffocating.

Jane Eyre quotes

  • Mr. Brocklehurst: Do you know, Jane Eyre, where the wicked go after death?

    Young Jane: They go to hell.

    Mr. Brocklehurst: And what is hell?

    Young Jane: A pit full of fire.

    Mr. Brocklehurst: Should you like to fall into this pit and be burned there forever?

    Young Jane: No, sir.

    Mr. Brocklehurst: How might you avoid it?

    Young Jane: I must keep in good health and not die.

  • Mrs. Reed: Her mother was my husband's sister. On his deathbed he exhorted me to care for her. I've always treated her as one of my own. If you accept her at Lowood school, Mr. Brocklehurst, keep a strict eye on her. She has a heart of spite. I'm sorry to say that her worst fault is that of deceit.

    Mr. Brocklehurst: You can rest assured that she shall root out the wickedness in this small, ungrateful plant.