I am willing to pay any price to start over, but the past cannot be changed

Delia 2022-01-02 08:01:21

The full text of Van Doren's short statement at the hearing:

I am willing to pay any price to start over, but the past cannot be changed. But I have learned a lot-the meaning of life, my own weaknesses, and the responsibility to others. I also learned that good and evil are not black and white. I am involved. I am deeply involved in a scam. I deceived my friends, thousands of friends. I lied to the American public. I concealed the facts that I knew and also concealed things that I did not know. I evade reality, hoping that the problem will disappear, but the problem will not disappear.
I am scared. Scared to death. I have no excuses, there is only one way, and that is to tell the truth. Very vulgar, but I finally found myself. I have been acting, I thought I was very accomplished, I thought I had achieved a certain purpose. My opportunities are better than others. I live in an ivory tower and I have never laid a foothold in my life. I rely on others to fly too high, everything is too easy, so I will be here now.

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Extended Reading
  • Bettye 2022-04-22 07:01:33

    Pink Uncle Finnes! A plot with shady as a selling point...

  • Emelie 2022-04-23 07:02:37

    The best of TV show scandals!

Quiz Show quotes

  • Mark Van Doren: [reciting poetry at his birthday party] Now see summer bloom upon this lee, three score rings around this tree, once green, now bare, once lush, now sere, consoled only that I am planted here...

    John Van Doren: You certainly are!

    Mark Van Doren: Roots thick...

    Thomas Merton, The Monk: And bold...

    Mark Van Doren: And deep...

    John Van Doren: And doddering...

    Mark Van Doren: Assuage my woes...

    Bunny Wilson: And termites nibbling at my toes!

    Mark Van Doren: Et tu, Bunny!

  • Cornwall Cousins: Charles, is Jack Barry single?

    Charles Van Doren: I think so.

    Cornwall Cousins: My roommate has a huge crush on him, she wants you to introduce her.

    Cornwall Cousins: What's Dave Garroway like?

    Charles Van Doren: Cheap.

    Cornwall Aunt: 'Cheat'?

    Mark Van Doren: Wasn't I talking?

    Bunny Wilson: You were, just talking, and talking, and talking...

    Cornwall Cousins: Charlie's famous, like Elvis Presley!

    Mark Van Doren: And like Leopold of Belgium, usurped by his son before his time!

    Charles Van Doren: Oh, that makes me King Baudouin!

    Mark Van Doren: Next birthday, you all get a dirty limerick.

    Thomas Merton, The Monk: I certainly hope so!