Another Earth (Spoiler Insight)

Adah 2021-12-16 08:01:16

Unlike most science fiction films, this movie has no splendid post-production and no strong star lineup. The only post-production that can be said is that the beautiful earth that looks soothing and comfortable is hanging in the endless sky. , Full of mystery but out of reach of mortals, you will think about whether there is anyone living on that earth, whether there is a person who looks the same as yourself... The screenwriter is powerful, because this is a good story. There are beautiful protagonists, rhythmic soundtracks, and attractive twists and turns in the movie. Its ending is open, and you may even be a little confused, but it is precisely because of this ending that makes this movie worth watching.

The promising girl Rhoda just got the acceptance letter from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After a lot of Happy, she had a car accident on her way home. By the way, she reminded the car owners to concentrate on driving and don’t control their driving direction because of other disturbances. Distracted. In the movie, the protagonist will always pick up things in the car, discuss disputes with other people, answer the phone, and other factors causing tragic car accidents. This movie is no exception. The girl named Rhoda drunk and drove up. Looking out the window to see the blue stars, she ran into a car that was sitting in a family of three waiting for a red light. Because the minor was in jail for four years and the Americans protected the minor, other people did not know that she was in jail. Four years later, the blue planet was close to our earth, and we could even see the "other earth" with the naked eye...In the future, everything is redemption.

Purdeep in the film is actually another Rhoda. He poured bleach into his eyes first, and then into his ears. Like Rhoda, he spent the rest of his life to "Forgive". Living is salvation. However, he no longer has the opportunity, and Rhoda does. The wonderful thing about this story is that it puts a sci-fi plot into a moral and ethical emotional story. Condemned by my conscience, the consequences of doing something wrong can be borne for the rest of my life to make up for it, but when my life is gone, I no longer have opportunities.
After the car accident, the musician John lives down and desolate himself. He holds his deceased wife's red clothes on the bed every day to miss the past. No one knows the pain. The life of losing his family will either be devastated or abandon the past to reinvigorate. He chose the former until the emergence of the redeemer, one to redeem and the other to be reborn, the two people getting along with each other produced subtle changes in the eaves. He played music with strings and saw blades, and the audience was only her. At that moment, everything was gone, only the wonderful music...

Rhoda got the comfort of the soul and accidentally got the ticket to go to another earth. She gave the ticket to John, and the other earth is a replica and lives. All the existing people on the earth, at the moment the two earths cross, everything changes and is no longer synchronized. People on the two earths are likely to live on two different trajectories, so the Rhoda on the other earth may not. There was no car accident.

I said that the wonderful thing is the ending, so this story is not over.

At the end, the redeemed Rhoda suddenly finds that there is another self standing opposite. The open ending may have the following possibilities:
1. Rhoda of Earth 2 did not suffer a car accident. She has gone to university and received a good education. She is well-educated and dressed appropriately. He embarked on a spacecraft leading to Earth 1 to find Rhoda on Earth 1, and John also found his wife and children, and lived a happy life. This imaginary ending was perfect;
2. Rhoda and Rhoda on Earth 2 The fate of Earth 1 is the same, and the trajectory does not branch, but she did not give John the ticket, but chose to escape from life to the unknown Earth 1, and the tragic John arrived on Earth 2, and what she saw was still lonely and helpless. The other self, his wife and children have already passed away, this imaginary ending is very tragic; the

human heart is kind, and only forgiveness can be liberated.

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Another Earth quotes

  • John Burroughs: You would go?

    Rhoda Williams: Yes.

    John Burroughs: You don't know what's out there.

    Rhoda Williams: That's why I would go.

  • Rhoda Williams: When early explorers first set out West across the Atlantic, most people thought the world was flat. Most people thought if you sailed far enough West, you would drop off a plane into nothing. Those vessels sailing out into the unknown, they weren't carrying noblemen or aristocrats, artists or merchants. They were crewed by people living on the edge of life: the madmen, orphans, ex-convicts, outcasts like myself. As a felon, I'm an unlikely candidate for most things. But perhaps not for this. Perhaps I am the most likely.