Is this an inspirational story?

Jaunita 2021-12-14 08:01:03

I have always felt that compared with the natural outpouring of European comedies, American comedies have more deliberate elements, and the jokes are sometimes a little harsh, but this does not prevent us from laughing endlessly when watching movies. Sheriff Crusoe is simply a disaster star. Whoever sees anyone is unlucky, but you can't blame him for his innocent little eyes. Martin's French English is very funny. Beyoncé was not as fat as he is now. Seeing Sheriff Crusoe always so persistently confident and working hard, I suddenly felt like Sakuragi Flower Road. The first impression after reading this is: People with firm beliefs will succeed in the end. No matter what kind of idiot you are in the eyes of others, as long as you believe that you are walking in the right way, you will be able to get where you want to go. I sometimes ask myself, do you lack a kind of foolish attachment? Do you want to accomplish something at all costs? The funny thing about the hamburger scene is that the first letter h in French is silent, so Inspector Crusoe can only post it as amburger. I didn't understand it when I first saw it, but I learned French later.

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Extended Reading
  • Ambrose 2022-04-21 09:02:13

    Haha, the death of the boss makes me sympathize a bit~ The plot is just a slap and there is not much to make people laugh. I like the title very much +1 star

  • Raina 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    The laughter is also set too low, 2 and a half stars.

The Pink Panther quotes

  • Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Stop browbeating her! Can't you see she's sexy?

  • Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I would like to take a closer look at your bowls.

    Larocque: My what?

    Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Your bowls. I would like to take a look at your big, brass bowls.

    Larocque: Okay.

    [starts to unzip pants]

    Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Thank you.

    [Picks up brass bowl on table and examines it]