Don't read the movie reviews, watch the clips completely out of order, and watch them again, the feeling is different

Annabell 2022-04-22 07:01:06

I don't recommend reading a movie review before watching a movie. Because you will lose a lot of the fun of thinking and discovering yourself. Regarding ratings, I hover between four and three stars. In this movie I basically saw that the heroine was Mulligan and I dropped it. I like this woman with short hair and acting skills. Because it was 11 o'clock when I watched it, I planned to finish it in 1 hour. So it's jumping around.

The first scene I watched was that the male protagonist heard the female protagonist cry on the phone and kept saying I love you. At that time, I thought that this was a story of two strangers warming each other up. It is not too cold to refer to this killer.

Then jumped to the back and saw the male protagonist say to the female protagonist that she actually slept with his boss. At the time I thought it was pretty good. Mulligan's singing is also good, but I have heard this song in my impression, but it sounds better than Mulligan's version. Interspersed with many large-scale shots and the plot of the male protagonist still using pornographic publications and notebooks, I didn't feel much shame, but at the time I thought that shame might refer to sex addiction, but after all, I wasn't sure.

Skip to the end, the embarrassment of the female protagonist bumping into the male protagonist, and the later the male protagonist drives the female protagonist away, that part is really good. It also made me finally understand that the male protagonist is the female protagonist's bro, my God, can anyone say that they knew from the beginning that the male protagonist was the female protagonist's brother?

Before and after the final suicide, the phone call of the heroine matches the larger-scale picture of the hero. Really, I kept jumping the screen to lock the voice of the heroine. Wondering if there's a hint of incest here. From the moment I understood their identities, I took the subject all the way to incest. The protagonist said: "We are not bad people, we are just from a bad place." This sentence is different from what I imagined, is it because they came to New York from New Jersey, and New Jersey is a bad place? I feel like I don't understand. My heart was also tight when Uncle Fa was in a hurry to go home. I was afraid that the heroine would really die (die). The contrast between red and white in the bathroom is really shocking, and Uncle Fa's screams are designed to be silent in the movie. As an audience, I can feel the protagonist's impatient but helpless and powerless feeling. Of course the heroine is not dead (sorry, spoiler).

In order to understand the plot better, and to prove the psychological fantasy about the impureness of this brother and sister, I watched it again. This one is completely chronological, but has to be fast-forwarded. In the middle of the night, I really have no patience for an expression, a scene that takes three minutes to interpret. Since I am a fan of Mulligan, I will look more closely when there is a female lead. But from start to finish, the siblings showed no obvious signs of incest. Just waiting for the subway section, the dialogue and actions of the two are so cordial and warm. In my opinion, it is full of love!

I don't want to say more. In short, although these two people did not have those reverie plots as they wished, it can be clearly said that the man who cares most about the male protagonist is his sister. And he is indeed more attractive and charismatic than the boss. The ending is open-ended, and like documenting the growth of a living person, you cannot expect a person who is developing and changing to draw conclusions. By the way, many people who have seen the movie still feel bored.

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Extended Reading
  • Izabella 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Sense of shame and then courage

  • Gardner 2021-11-24 08:01:19

    Michael Fassbender/Kerry Mulligan gave superb performances. The extensive use of erotic shots made the heartbeat of the audience seem to be heating up and accelerating with the male protagonist, the sex addict, and was brought by his panic and painful expression. Inexplicable emptiness and depression. The ending is slightly procrastinated, but the open ending is still worthy of fun. Fassbender’s performance was very shocking, the big bird hit his face at the beginning of the show, and it was shocked to death. Many eye fucks made people’s hearts shining.

Shame quotes

  • Sissy Sullivan: What is this shit you put on your hair? Honestly, it's awful.

    Brandon Sullivan: Shampoo.

  • David: He was crying. He was crying. There were tears coming down his face. I saw it. You made a grown man cry.