
Aron 2021-12-08 08:01:47

Humans will make illogical decisions.

We cannot discuss without reference.

What does "change" mean?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the naval base in Alameda? It is a place to store nuclear-powered ships.

Who said that human existence is reasonable?

We may be able to help you in ways you can't even imagine.

I knew there would be visitors from outer space sooner or later.

"Is it logical to do this?"
"It's illogical, but it's human." The

doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney.

The only eternal thing in this universe is bureaucracy.

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Extended Reading
  • Linnea 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    Hey, time travel! The interstellar series of shots are very straightforward, even if it is a sci-fi film, the details of the time and space jump are very direct, and it is also good to warp and fly. My favorite is! This detector is actually sent by the same kind of humpback whale! Can kill all human technology! This setting loves to indirectly promote environmental protection, forgive me for not being able to look directly into the whale's eyes T_T. . . Ah ~ such a lovely piece ~ watching sci-fi movies can only ignore bugs and IQ

  • Alia 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Science and Education Movie: Saving Humpback Whales through Time and Space = = I'm curious about the probe that destroyed the earth! Is it like Voyager 6 that was launched centuries ago, sucked into a wormhole, and came out to take revenge on Earth! ! ! Anyway, finally say something. . .

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home quotes

  • McCoy: [McCoy, masked and in surgical garb, passes an elderly woman groaning on a gurney in the hallway] What's the matter with you?

    Elderly patient: [weakly] Kidney


    Elderly patient: dialysis.

    McCoy: [geniunely surprised] Dialysis?

    [musing to himself]

    McCoy: What is this, the Dark Ages?

    [He turns back to the patient and hands her a large white pill]

    McCoy: Here,


    McCoy: you swallow that, and if you have any more problems, just call me!

    [He pats her cheek and leaves]

  • Elderly patient: [the dialysis patient is being wheeled down the hall after being given the pill by McCoy]


    Elderly patient: The doctor gave me a pill, and I grew a new kidney! The doctor gave me a pill, and I grew a new kidney!

    Intern #1: [in disbelief, walking ahead of the patient] Fully functional?

    Intern #2: [incredulous] Fully functional!