This is not a movie about choice

Casey 2021-12-10 08:01:40

After reading some comments, I very much agree that this is not a movie about choice. It's not that you should choose love or career, but a movie about possibilities. To put it narrowly, it is a film for successful people, so that those who have achieved secular success should not forget to run a family and at the same time reap family affection. Besides, being bigger is to keep people humble, not forgetting to keep a back eye even at the moment of complacency, and to maintain some humble spirit, even if it is the life of a small person who looks down on oneself.

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Extended Reading
  • Kassandra 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Which is right and which is wrong, you should make your own choices, there will be no chance for life to come back, and you can't always say what it was in the past. . . Would it be better to choose the other side? Career or love Although the movie is beautiful, the reality is only once. I think if it were me, I would still choose to go to Los Angeles

  • Reyes 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    It is a wonderful illusion to experience one's own life on another time line. People who have faced difficult choices will have such fairy tale dreams to varying degrees. The romance at the end is indeed a little touched. But Not everyone has a chance to live twice, and not everyone is lucky enough to squeeze two lives into one happy ending. The sci-fi clues are not advanced, but the thinking between money and family is somewhat realistic.

The Family Man quotes

  • Jack: Then I'm going to spend four hours skiing alone. Completely and utterly alone. I'm going to do that because that is my life, that's what's real... and there's nothing I can do to change that.

  • Kate: [Kate is sitting at a table working on her laptop and eating some chocolate cake when Jack arrives home] Hi honey. How was the game?

    Jack: Long, boring, and generally pretty sad. Arnie seemed to enjoy it. Sorta.

    [he opens up the refrigerator and looks inside]

    Jack: Hey where's that chocolate cake?

    Kate: [Kate looks at her plate and back at Jack] Do you mean this chocolate cake?

    Jack: [Jack looks at her and shuts the fridge door. He starts walking to her] That's my piece. I was saving it because I got nauseated by that pre-cooked mini-mall rotisserie chicken.

    Kate: [eating the cake in a mocking manner] Mmm. Mmm. It's good.

    Jack: [points at the cake] Gimme that cake.

    Kate: No way!

    [He makes a move to reach for it, but she pulls the plate further away]

    Jack: Come on.

    Kate: I'm sorry. It's too important to me.

    [Jack pauses for a moment before quickly reaching for the cake, but Kate quickly grabs the plate and jumps out of her chair, causing Jack to chase her. She playfully leads him into the next room while laughing]

    Jack: [Jack surprises her around the next corner by cutting her off and shouting/singing] Ta-daah!

    [she playfully runs to the staircase where she lies facing up at him]

    Jack: I want that cake!

    Kate: [laughing] You want this cake?

    Jack: [playing along] I want it!

    [she smashes the cake on his lower face while laughing]

    Jack: Thank you.

    [He smiles with cake all over his mouth and chin]