Anxiety, pick up words

Melyna 2021-12-18 08:01:02

Hello everyone, I'm Times Square Alliance Claire Morgan
Hello, I'm Claire Morgen of the Time Square alliance
as you see
As you all can see
colored balls stuck in the air
the ball has stopped half way to its porch
stagnation the ball reminds us
it's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne
we open the champagne to celebrate the dawn of the new year in
and celebrate the new year
we should stop
to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by
reflection Over the past year,
think about the brilliant achievements and experiences of failure and frustration
to remember both our triumphs and our missteps
our lofty and broken promises
our promises made and broken
we had great exposure opportunity for excitement and adventure
the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures
also have a fear of failure and frustration autistic injured
or close ourself down for fear of getting hurt
Because this is the spirit of the New Year's Eve
Cause that's what new year is all about
give yourself a chance
getting another chance
a chance to forgive
a chance to forgive
a little do well to do a little more, give a little more, to love more than
to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more
do not worry about the "what if"
and to the About STOP worrying "the What IF"
but comfortable with all the impending
and start embracing what will be
so when the ball fall at midnight
so when that ball drops at midnight
, of course it will
and it will drop
let us remember together should be kind to each other
lets remember be nice to each other
love each other
kind to each other
not just tonight,
and not just tonight
but in the future throughout the year
but the whole year long
thank you
thank you

View more about New Year's Eve reviews

Extended Reading
  • Ryder 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    The New Year's film gathered by big brands is warm. Let's look at the domestic, New Year's, tossing to death, noisy. BBKing

  • Emiliano 2022-04-21 09:02:21

    In the Lunar New Year drama, the part of giving birth is not bad. The woman waiting for the gentleman at the end of the film surprised me~~ Although I figured that it was a pair of pairs, it was only the two of them, but I was still very surprised. Also, the Spanish sous chef is silly, naive, and cute.

New Year's Eve quotes

  • Ava - Jensen & Laura's Story: In my country when a man gets down on one knee, it's because he either wants to get married or he's been shot. Sometimes it's both.

  • Sam: What would you do today if you knew you would not fail?