Helplessly become a rotten movie

Kaylah 2022-01-02 08:02:13

Speaking of well-known masterpieces of games that are worthy of a movie company's vote to adapt a movie, the worst adaptation is "Silent Hill". The original game is more like talking about its "Silent Hill Philosophy", focusing on providing players with a deep thinking experience, rather than simple sensory stimulation. The most talked about in the Silent Hill game are the stories, not the game itself, because as long as you have played the first four classics of this game, it is clear that this game is difficult to be associated with the fun of the game, and it is basically a manipulation. Poor, poor picture, almost equal to a game series of self-abuse. But what made it famous at home and abroad, and boarded the top sign of the game industry in one fell swoop, is its awesome script and world view setting, which is different from the game works of "Resident Evil" and "Tomb Raider" which are also adapted into movies. , Resident Evil and Tomb Raider are not as dependent on the plot as Silent Ridge. In addition to the plot, the former two have a lot of action elements, which makes it easier to adapt them into movies that meet the fast-food tastes of current movies. The title of the game has made a fortune. The game "Silent Hill" almost completely relies on the role of the plot. There is no action, which can be used by the movie theme to maximize the benefits. This determines that the focus of the adaptation of "Silent Hill" is the plot. This is The whole of the game is also destined to become the majority of the movie.
"Silent Hill 1" is said to be the screenwriter and director of the game fans. No matter how many gamers do not buy it, the first film is definitely the most successful game film adaptation in history. Anyone who has watched "Silent Hill 1" It can be felt that the screenwriter and director have practically used their efforts in the story itself. From beginning to end, the film completely tells a story based on the world view of Silent Hill. Although the movie has changed a lot of the structure and story of the first generation of the game for the sake of visibility, the iconic things of the Silent Hill game, the deep psychological innuendo and other elements, the director and screenwriter have all grasped one by one, not only from the game plot. Basically, I also told my own story in the process of adaptation. So that it affects the fifth generation of the game (of course, it has something to do with the game's replacement of the European and American development team).
The script of "Silent Hill 1" is very complete. From the development to the climax to the final truth, what the audience should understand is basically explained by Alessia in the hospital bed. In order to express the theme of her mother's love, By replacing her biological mother deliha who killed Alessia in the game with an innocent character, the film is still very successful in establishing its own point of view.
The first generation of the movie is a very sincere adaptation of the work. It is a pity that the plot of the game "Silent Hill" is too fan-oriented. Even though the film has cut off a lot of twists and turns and added a lot of background explanations for the convenience of understanding, there are still many audiences who do not understand, and it also affects the box office of the film one-sidedly, making its investor Sony just able to recover the cost, leading to Sony decisively Withdrew from the investment in the second film.
This is actually a very ironic thing, because in the lively game adaptation tide in the past few years, you come and go, "Tomb Raider", "Silent Hill", "Hitman 47" and so on. The heroes are actually completely out of the game itself, the plot is brainless and full of popcorn "Resident Evil" series, and the more brainless the plot, the more out of the game, the more popcorn, the higher the box office, almost one in a year In this case, I got to 6 and still made a lot of money.
The directors and screenwriters of various game adaptations have actually noticed that the two groups of people who play games and watch movies are simply irreconcilable. Those who play games are disdainful of watching movies, and making good or bad movies will only spray you. Most of the movie viewers have never played games. What are your subtle settings, worldviews, and so on. Unless Leonardo and a Hollywood first-line team play it together, they don’t bother to think about it. So over time, the people who made the movie have seen it through. It's useless to please game fans. You can't please or contribute to the box office. So, just abandon the game fans and turn their heads to contribute to the general audience. This is obvious from the movie series "Resident Evil". The first three movies tried to lean on the game again and again, adding a little game setting, using a little game style in the narrative, etc., starting from the fourth , The game just go to death, I just shoot in the direction of the handsome Supergirl, and add some 3D gimmicks, the scene design also depends on 3D, as expected, the box office is a big hit.
Hollywood movies are all clever people. Watching the "Resident Evil" movie series is on fire, "Silent Hill" can't sit still, but the first movie takes too much care of game fans, and it turns out that it’s not a human being inside and outside, and it’s laborious. Not to please, so the second part is also simply a student crisis, according to the gourd. I also found a director and screenwriter who didn’t play games at all, and had to kill everything from start to finish. No matter how small the investment was, 3D had to be added. In this way, the director’s squat accident occurred. Although 6 years have passed since the last movie, "Silent Hill 2" is finally difficult to give birth.
Maybe because the first movie is very popular, my expectations for the second movie are too high. After watching the entire "Silent Hill 2", the director and screenwriter, let alone lean on the game, are all dressed up as four different things for the movie alone. The plot is always developing inexplicably from beginning to end, and the transition between them is very blunt, and there is no feeling of leading the audience to explore in the first film. The whole story is like the director rushing home from get off work to eat. There is always something that Zero Zero always has. It is very mechanical to put the plot involved in it. It is very mechanical. This scene is the next one, and the scene is always gone. When it's over, the movie is over.
The plot of Silent Hill 2 has reached the point where it is completely fabricated. The characters in the original game have undergone drastic changes, completely turning the third-generation revenge plot of the game into a vulgar love soap opera. Although there are many roles, I will appear on the stage after you sing, but they are all the same as the catwalks. The heroine who comes up and yells all over the story just hurriedly stepped down. If the first film still bears a profound philosophical imprint of Silent Hill, the second generation of the film has rapidly transformed into a typical brainless film. The heroine's battle line stretched so long, and she wandered around just to let the director show each set of scenes. After all, they are 3D movies, and the focus has been transferred from the plot to the 3D effect of the scene.
But having said that, the fiasco of "Silent Hill 2" has something to do with 1, because in order to create that desperate ending, the first part basically said the story to death, it is difficult for people to continue. In addition, the first movie changed the roles of several key characters in the game, and the difference was a thousand miles away, so that in the second movie, a larger area must be overhauled. The Zhang that 2 found is quite handsome, but it is very likely that the screenwriter who has never played the game at all will have to connect the first story that has been said to be dead, and develop and add to the new character. Such a difficult task. In front of him, he simply slapped the pick and talked to himself, completely disregarding the first movie and the third generation of the game. Coupled with the failure of the casting director, none of the actors selected fit the role of the story. Of course, the acting skills are too poor, and the fact that the role is not held is also a factor. Therefore, under the influence of such internal and external troubles, inside and out, "Silent Hill 2" finally reduced to a ridiculous farce.
Throughout Silent Hill 2, the director’s idea of ​​using the fighting gimmick in "Resident Evil" is too strong. Two places are obvious. One is the plastic model monster that Heather encountered. When he took the mask, it turned out to be "Resident Evil". "The most classic Melaleuca Mouth" completely copied the monster shape of Resident Evil. When I saw this, I felt like I had passed through. Another place is the last of the film, the girl with the triangle head and the sickle. This is also the most absurd scene in the movie, and it always makes people want to laugh while watching it. Because according to the concept of the Silent Hill game, the monsters in Silent Hill are all the protagonist's psychological insinuations, and their existence is all inferring the protagonist's or some people's psychological activities, and they do not actually exist. In the movie, it is a bit funny to put two psychologically hidden monsters in a ring.
The game of Silent Hill is a bit like a civil servant. He is mainly talking and telling a peculiar story to the player. He has almost no generals. Even if he fights, he should be fighting against the Confucian. In the game "Resident Evil", there are half of the civil and military, so the movie can make a big fuss about the military commander, and it will look good because it is a monster infected by the virus, and it actually exists. "Silent Hill" is different, it's all illusory. Of course, I can understand that the director did this to steal the teacher’s biochemical crisis and add some action gimmicks. Maybe the average audience would like to watch it, but unfortunately they didn’t find the right way. .

In fact, the two films "Silent Hill" are quite pitiful. The first one was filmed seriously. The song was high and few, and no money was made. The second one was transformed too thoroughly, and the point of transformation has not been found. In the end, it was reduced to a messy, completely incomprehensible rotten movie, so pitiful!

PS, before the movie was released, there were stills of the encounter between Heather and her mother, and the news of Zudi Fulan's return. In the final version, I don't know where the director has cut it.

View more about Silent Hill: Revelation reviews

Extended Reading
  • Annette 2022-03-29 09:01:04

    The bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment. Obviously not as good as the first episode.

  • Annette 2022-03-29 09:01:04

    Completely dissipated the popularity of the first episode.

Silent Hill: Revelation quotes

  • Leonard: My own daughter says I am corrupted by the darkness. She says I am a monster. He he, She is far worse than I am!

  • Leonard: Come closer so I can touch you.