King Kong

Antonette 2021-12-09 08:01:20

I still don’t know how many special effects were made by the film crew at that time. It was indeed a visual feast to be able to watch such a film in 1933. The American market economy system regarded movies as commodities, but it was not a taste. Not advisable, because countless Hollywood filmmakers can think of ways to make commercial films bigger and stronger to satisfy the curiosity of the audience because they regard movies as commodities. Such an atmosphere is undoubtedly conducive to the development of movies, until today the Hollywood movies in the United States It is still called visual feast and miracle by the people of the world. The prosperity of a country's science and technology culture is largely inseparable from the innovation of people at all levels. Only people's ideas are constantly improving, and the country is constantly improving. .

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Extended Reading
  • Modesto 2021-12-09 08:01:20

    The history of film will always belong to those dreamers' bright dreams, and the immense power of action that must be realized.

  • Rico 2022-03-24 09:01:51

    There are many loopholes, but to be honest, it was really awesome to have this imagination and technique at that time!

King Kong quotes

  • Carl Denham: [just before he instructs Ann on how to act in front of the camera] I see you've put on the "Beauty and the Beast" costume!

    Ann Darrow: Uh, huh... it's the prettiest!

  • Jack Driscoll: What do you call that thing?

    Carl Denham: Something from the dinosaur family.

    Jack Driscoll: Dinosaur, eh?

    Carl Denham: Yes, Jack; a prehistoric beast.