The title is anything but casual, I'm just here to complain.

Darrion 2022-01-04 08:01:44

I finished it in one breath, it was 6 o'clock the next day, and I couldn't go to class visually... forget it. After seeing that, he felt that his free and easy energy was gone, and he was still silly.
I won’t talk about anything else. In the end, leaving the wetsuit in place is what happened. People like me who are frizzy will worry about it. At the end of the protagonist, everyone cares, and everyone cares. Just the two born into small partners called one to play at random.
I remember that at the beginning of the play, Da Vinci said, "You can't get tired of such a scene." A group of birds flew out of the cage, leaving only one parrot. At first I thought that this parrot was probably a symbol of the heroine "canary", but looking at the development of the plot, I think it is the best interpretation of himself. ——The parrot is free before being held tightly in the cage, but reluctant to leave after entering the cage. It fits perfectly with Leonardo da Vinci, who was always whimsical at the beginning of the play, and finally fell into the "trap" of finding his mother.
He himself was trapped in a cage without knowing it.

Finally, let's make a no-suspect prediction. His mistress is a damn, screenwriter you will definitely die in my bowl. Fuck, Nima, I really want to say you guys and dogs.
I like the earl brother and nun the most.

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Extended Reading
  • Laurie 2022-03-25 09:01:13

    Bad review!!! This product is the opposite of hannibal, hannibal broke the big straight man Lecter, this product turned the historical icon Leonardo into a very straight... All kinds of hard injuries Not to mention, there are also various ways of expressing. Leonardo Sang is now a father, a girl, a new civil servant of the Medici family who wears leather clothes and draws drawings and has psychological scars. Forty-two chapters!

  • Ryleigh 2022-01-04 08:01:44

    Borgias said that the Pope’s family selfishly hoped that this chaotic and corrupt family would settle the rest. Leonardo focused on Florence and wanted to bring that Rome down quickly. Sure enough, the protagonist had different positions and different plots. The plot was good and the casting was poor.