
Emanuel 2022-04-21 09:01:52

Foreseeing the future Next
1 Anything is possible
2 To be free is to be responsible
3 Every time I try to change everything, she still dies
4 What about other information? no need. We have his
5 future - every time you see it, it changes because you see it. Because of this, other things change too.

See the future, you can change it, and then everything else will change. Everything can be changed according to your will, you are the master of fate. If each person's life is divided into two minutes, then many key things can happen in two minutes, thus affecting the whole life process. amazing.
Maybe we can't predict the future accurately, but sometimes we can grasp some trends through the collection, analysis and prediction of other information. And the movie makes this process specific and accurate, which makes it have a very powerful function. It suddenly occurred to me that predicting the weather by observing the stars is actually the embodiment of this predictive ability. Perhaps, one day, humans will be able to foresee the future through intuition and so on.

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Extended Reading
  • Loren 2021-12-30 17:20:54

    By the way, Nicholas Cage’s hair is really disgusting.

  • Rosalee 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    A movie to watch for the male protagonist. Still prefer this setup.

Next quotes

  • Cris Johnson: [to agent who keeps interrupting him while he's trying to brief the team] if you will SHUT UP now, and do EXACTLY what I tell you to do, I'll keep you alive.

  • Cris Johnson: You don't believe in destiny?

    Liz: Well, even if it does exist, I don't think I want to know. I mean, if every move we make is preordained, then what is the point of that? I mean, life is supposed to be a surprise.


    Liz: Isn't it?

    Cris Johnson: It would be nice.