The moment the street lamp fell, dear, where were you?

Misty 2021-12-19 08:01:09

The film's exquisite and beautiful pictures, fresh and beautiful soundtrack, every effort to construct a dream like a fairy tale. The people, objects, plants and trees in the play seem to be so far away from the world we live in, yet they seem so reachable, like the starry sky that can be touched on tiptoe, beautiful.
Barfi, who was born with a disability, has the enthusiasm, cheerfulness and bright smile that ordinary people don't have. No one can stop him from living happily, and no one can resist the happiness he brings to the surroundings. The air was ignited by his life, burning with a warm smell.
Shruti is like a soft flower sprinkled unintentionally on the grassland, so dazzling and dazzling. She is like the rhetoric in Xu Zhimo's poems, coming gently, but brings a cloud. Barfi's eyes flashed, falling in love with her, unable to extricate himself.
Jhilmil suffers from autism and is not loved by his mother. She is afraid of this world and resists this world. The coincidental "kidnapping" case caused Barfi to break into Jhilmil's life, like sunlight shining into the green forest, everything became so hot. Jhilmil's heart was clasped so tightly, but he was gently pried open by Barfi's dramatic performance and caring, opening up an unparalleled world.
Three people, strangely strung together by fate.
Shruti is engaged, and the wedding ring on her left hand does not hinder her beauty, nor does it disrupt the rhythm of Barfi's pure love. But worldly thoughts hovered in Shruti's heart, and she chose a path that "normal" people should take. I originally thought that silence was the biggest obstacle between her and Barfi, but I didn't expect it to be the gap between her and her husband. What can be submerged in silence is just stripping away the coexistence of love. But Barfi has never complained about Shruti. Being in love is not necessarily about staying together. In the rain, painful tears are mixed with rain, but I still hope you can smile and be happy. May the sunshine be taken away by you, and everything else is willing to be borne. But God's will make people, Barfi can always break into Shruti's life so casually, so beautifully. Finally, Shruti plucked up the courage and chose to follow her heart and hold the hands of love. But everything is too late, time is not waiting, waiting is the hardest thing to withstand changes. Barfi had handed his translucent warm heart to Jhilmil. No matter how space and time change, the bond between the two emotions cannot be interrupted. Shruti can only accompany Barfi, but he can't catch up with his soul anymore. Shruti was sad, but helpless. Shruti said that it was she who violated her heart, so God always refused to take care of her, so she could not get the pure love and life-and-death ending like Barfi and Jhilmil.
We are not the people in the play, and we can never live the life on the screen, but our lives are always similar. The inner world inevitably collides with this world, violently collision. The choice is always in our hands, it has nothing to do with God, let alone the so-called providence. Which road is not taken step by step, and which chapter is not pieced together word by word.
Barfi is worthy of being envied, he seems to be united with this world without any cracks, and the whole world is beautiful because of him. In fact, it is Barfi who lives faithfully to his heart, loves when it is time to love, lets go when it is time to let go, reads when it is time to miss, to work hard when it is time to cherish, and to be brave when it is time to guard. And I, and such a person, are too far, too far. I can't hold a heart that doesn't care about gains and losses, and love my world. In the past, you cannot wave goodbye and keep your memories like Barfi; in the present, you cannot be persistent, brave and heartfelt like Barfi.
My tears are always low, and the warmth that runs through the film keeps my tears rolling in my eyes. Until the end, Shruti guarded the past and read, "It should have been me, not Jhilmil. It is true that she finally got Barfi. Because she did not calculate for love, she does not care about the consequences, and she will not think about the consequences of life. What kind of change happened, she just loved him unconditionally, and finally got the perfect ending." I burst into tears with a smile. Her heart was flustered, and there was a deep envy, and it could only be envy.
Movies are just movies at all. But I sat on the sofa and couldn't calm down for a long time. I repeatedly remembered in my mind the picture of Barfi cutting down the street lamp. Fortunately, Jhilmil was not afraid to leave him at last, not afraid to hide.
The moment the street lamp fell, dear, where were you? Do you feel terrified and uneasy, and fled in a hurry, leaving me alone guarding a piece of debris and the darkness after the street lamp goes out.

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Extended Reading
  • Rosella 2022-04-21 09:02:23

    It's not against the sky at all, it's boring! Only the melody of Gulu Gulu Gulu makes me feel like I'm still watching Asan movies

  • Melyssa 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Indian male version loves beauty~