
Adrien 2021-12-31 08:02:57


An old film 11 years ago, even if you rewatch it, you will feel nervous as if you are in it! Harrison Ford has outstanding acting skills!
This is an American film with a real historical change. It describes the former Soviet Union, the first H-class nuclear submarine during the Cold War was not sailing smoothly. After the reactor leaked, the crew went one after another to save the whole, and the senior officers started a battle with little justice and great energy. Game!
In the end, all the members who rushed into the nuclear control room for emergency repairs were killed because they were given chemical protective clothing instead of nuclear protective clothing.

It should be noted that, from historical data, K-19's nickname is not "Widowmaker", but "Hiroshima"!

The specific background of the story is:
In 1961, at the peak of the Cold War between the two superpowers of the Soviet Union and the United States, the two sides fell into a vicious circle of military competition, constantly increasing their nuclear deterrence against each other. Under the premise that the United States took the lead in sending a nuclear submarine (the "George Washington" ballistic missile submarine) into the Soviet territorial waters and targeting Moscow and Leningrad as the main targets for future attacks, the top decision-making level of the Soviet Union placed all hopes on the first ballistic missile. On board the submarine K-19 (Type 658M NATO code: Hotel II class).
So a series of tragedies broke out. In addition to the direct description, we have also seen other issues that have been exposed, such as suspicious instrumentation, poorly dispatched base assignments, and a single-minded former Soviet leader who seems to be for more noble interests!
All in all, the drawbacks of the Soviet military, industrial and control systems have been portrayed vigorously. After all, this is an American movie! However, taking into account the deep-rooted prejudice and antipathy of some Westerners towards communism and the former Soviet Union, this film describes and interprets the duties of soldiers, and allows the audience to realize through this film that "for the motherland" is no longer In terms of an empty slogan, it can be said to be commendable.

Unfortunately, this film has no surprises in this regard. Every move and style it uses comes from other submarine films, and it is away from the highest achievement of submarine films, the 1981 German film "Das Boot" (Das Boot) It's a far cry.
The possible reason is that the first Oscar winner Catherine Bigelow to direct the submarine film.

In fact, maybe the director waits until 2006 and shoots according to the original story, maybe it can really improve the overall quality of the film!

K-19 ending!

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Extended Reading
  • Kirsten 2021-12-31 08:02:57

    Three and a half. Catherine Bigelow’s arrogance made many male directors embarrassed. Watching her play you have to think about getting involved, squatting in the corner and fanning your mouth and crying before coming back. The loss of the film went from climax to ending in the last thirty minutes. It was too procrastinating and slowed down the whole rhythm. This is also Bigelow's old problem.

  • Katheryn 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    I went to lie down after seeing half of my nervousness last night and had a nervous dream at night looking for something important lost... This wonderful chemistry is inseparable from watching k19 Widowmaker... k19 is about duty about choices about comrades on the same boat doing the right thing together true story adaptation worth watching

K-19: The Widowmaker quotes

  • Vadim Radtchenko: [admiring the reactor] This is the future, Pavel. Cars that never need refueling. Free power for every family. Maybe even travel to the planets.

  • Suslov: In American propaganda you will see how everyone has a car, nice clothes, a nice apartment. But you will never see the truth behind this lie. You will not see police dogs attacking strikers and demonstrators for civil rights. You will not see the beggars on the streets, the homeless, the negro-shantytowns in the south. You will not see the warmongers who threaten the world with nuclear holocaust.