Fahrenheit 9/11 ------Which side are u on??

Beaulah 2022-04-19 09:01:44

Fahrenheit 9/11, some say a doc born to bring down the "Ugly Bush" and others, just a promotion campaign for the coming election , personally, is the second doc (if u don't mind) that "forced" me to go beyound movie itself to find out more.(The first is An Inconvenient Truth directed by Davis Guggenheim)

Frankly, i'm not quite a fan for politics, not even of my own country, 'cause politics, to me, is way too complicated and inhuman. And to be part of it, u have to choose a side, which is impossible for me because i would never be wise enough to distiguish: what is right or wrong if there is?should i be just like most people put my own interest superior to others'? could anyone be God to have a say in the life and death of another person?

i don't know, always.

and sometimes, i wish i will not.

I just drown in the tears everytime i watch such a movie, and believe in what i felt and am feeling.

For afterall, what really matters in the end???

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Extended Reading
  • Korey 2022-03-24 09:01:40

    Exhausting the truth and doubting students

  • Dolores 2021-11-18 08:01:28

    Plop and kneel down in front of the clip of the ghost animal

Fahrenheit 9/11 quotes

  • [Sheimi is a businessman speaking at the "Rebuilding Iraq" conference]

    Youssef Sheimi: Once that oil starts flowing, it's gonna be lots of money. Whatever it costs, the government will pay you.

  • George W. Bush: This is an impressive crowd: the haves, and the have-mores.

    [crowd laughs]

    George W. Bush: Some people call you the elite, I call you my base.