Believe or doubt? (After watching the third episode, there are spoilers)

Coby 2022-04-25 06:01:01

"My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?"-Jesus (Matthew 27:46)

, a friend who loves watching "Watch":

Dear, are you still watching this show? Have you been able to stick to the third episode, have you already liked this show? I didn’t want to speculate on the plot anymore, and talk to you with some useless feelings, but after watching it, I still can’t help but want to talk to you late at night, because I was crying after watching this episode. Minutes' eyes have been sore and uncomfortable, and now lying on the bed, it seems like seeing the mysterious baptismal oil painting like the priest in the play. How can there be no priest in the

Flyer priest

"God" drama? In this episode, we temporarily leave the family of the male protagonist. This episode is the "God" story of the priest. No, it should be the story of whether the priest believes or doubts the "God". A priest is a person who believes in God. No one believes in theism more than him. No matter whether the person who disappears is a good person or a bad person, no matter where the person who disappears goes, he believes that good and evil exist forever. He believes that all suffering is God's to people. Trial, he believed that he could lead believers to believe in God. Facing the Silent Party in White, he smiled slightly. He knew that God was coming to test himself, because his wife had been chosen by God. While preaching to the few people in the church, he still told the miracle in despair (little boy story) and prayed for the miracle in despair (little girl story). In order to prove that God does not distinguish between good and evil, he collects the names of bad people (posting flyers), and uses his life to reveal that no matter where the disappeared is, there are good and bad points. His happiest moment is that there are still people who come to church to baptize him. , He is lonely defending his faith, no, he is with God, he is a true holy warrior.

Gambling priest

For the church, he came to the house of the gun girl to borrow money. Her sister was not religious, thinking that he wanted to use Christian faith to save the world is crazy. In the end, he cruelly hurt his sister in the name of God. But seeing his helplessness when he got home, his despair, and his deep love for the plant wife, let my priest possess him. When he shouted "Save me", I cried with him. Is there a God? Is there a miracle? Even if it doesn't exist in reality, I can't help but pray for it in the play. I began to doubt, but he was convinced. The miracle really happened. The male protagonist’s father, the old police chief, buried a sum of the stolen money that the priest revealed and left him. The Holy Spirit he believed in appeared (the pigeon), and he won the roulette, but as soon as he came out, I was worried. He must be robbed if he loses his guts, but the gentle and touching priest will finally return his blood to counterattack. The miracle happened again, but I still wondered in my heart that it was "God" help?

In the dream, the priest

was hit to the head by a stone in order to save the White Clothes Party. This stone completely chilled my heart. I suspected that the miracle had come true, "God is dead forever." When the priest fell asleep in the hospital, he had a chaotic nightmare. This nightmare showed his tragic life. "When he woke up, the people in white greeted him and walked into the church. The church was full of people. Among them were baptisms for his son and unwillingness. Religious couples, the priest was very pleased. He saw a boy (the story of the little boy he told at the beginning) walked into the church, he followed, and saw the doctor tell his parents that the illness had spread (the little boy is himself ), he took the hand of the little girl (sister) and saw that the house (home) was burning (he set the fire?). On the day of disappearance, his wife had a car accident. When he had sex with his wife and looked at the mysterious oil painting, his wife turned into a man. The Lord's wife (his inner repressive sex?), was awakened by fire. "When he woke up to rush to the bank, dear, do you still believe in miracles? of course not. There is only doubt about everything now.

"Two ships and a helicopter" was used as the title of this episode, which I didn't feel funny, but felt as horrible as the abyss.

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