Mean Streets

Larue 2021-12-08 08:01:44

Charlie (Harvey Keitel played by Harvey Keitel) and friends of Italian immigrants mingled in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. They have no fixed occupations, and rely on serving the Mafia. Charlie's friend Jonny (Robert De Niro) owed money to the black market businessman Michael, but was unable to repay the debt and was collected all day long. Charlie and Jonny’s cousin Tereza truly love each other, but Tereza hopes that he can leave this unstable life and find a new life. Michael became irritated because he couldn't get money from Jonny. In order to help Jonny settle the matter, Michael promised that he would pay back the money as soon as possible. In the bar, when Michael discovered that Jonny was so poor that it was impossible to pay back the money, the two scuffled together. Jonnie, who was out of control, drew his gun and aimed at Michael, forcing him back. In order to avoid Michael's revenge, Charlie, Jonny, and Tereza decided to hide in the countryside. They were driving to the movie when a car came up from behind. It was Michael in the car. He drew his pistol and fired at the three people's car. The car was knocked over, and the injured three people climbed out of the car with difficulty. Facing the dark night, they cried hopelessly.

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Extended Reading
  • Ida 2022-03-22 09:01:48

    American film critic Robert Colker said: "Scorsese's films create a tension between two opposing film forms - documentary and fictional - the documentary side seems to be objectively Observing people, places and events; the other side demands the subjectivity of point of view, which is so strong in Scorsese's films that the whole world becomes expressionist."

  • Onie 2022-04-21 09:02:07

    It seems that Martin is really involved in the gang, and the last shot is the predecessor of the taxi!

Mean Streets quotes

  • Oscar: Look Charlie, you're a good boy. Will you just tell your uncle that I have nothing. There is nothing to give him. No envelopes with cash inside, no checks, nothing.

    Charlie: That bad, huh?

    Oscar: I can't make this week's payment and if this keeps up not next week's either.

    Charlie: Not next week's either... listen... you tell that to Giovanni, not me.

    Oscar: Listen, I should wrap up this place in a ribbon and hand it to him, you know that. I don't need this aggravation. I'm getting old.

    Charlie: He'd rather have the loan payed, you know that.

  • Giovanni Cappa: This Johnny Boy is like your mister Groppi... a little crazy. It's nice you should help him out because of his family and our family but watch yourself... Don't spoil anything. His whole family has problems... his cousin, the girl who lives next door to you...

    Charlie: Teresa.

    Giovanni Cappa: ...The one who's sick, right? In the head.

    Charlie: No, she's got epilepsy.

    Giovanni Cappa: Yeah. That's what I said, sick in the head.