I forgive you

Rylee 2022-04-19 09:02:09

Mother Philomena builds awareness of her decades-lost son through conversations with her son's friends and loved ones, as well as photos and videos. "He was smart,and he had a firm handshake."""He was a very sensitive little boy.And as the years rolled on I always wandered if he might be(a gay).Then,when I saw that photograph of him in the dungarees, well there was no doubt in my mind"

Philomena has been wondering if his son has missed her for so many years, if he is looking for her, when he was watching the video of his son's life at his son's ex-partner Peter's house, he was playing the piano, swinging, and smiling happily, when Peter said "He was looking for you." At this time, her inner emotions should be like a flood bursting its banks, right?

"The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time" – Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965 English poet, playwright, literary critic)

Martin said to the evil old nun "I think if Jesus was here right now he'd tip you out of that fucking wheelchair" but Philomena forgave the sins that had hurt her" I don't want to hate people. I don 't want to be like you."

This reminds me of Mandela's famous quote "When I walked out of the cell, beyond the prison doors to freedom, I already know, if you can't put the grief and resentment behind, so I actually still in prison. "

(If the film was longer to touch on the indictment of cannibalistic religions, this is a g-spot in Western countries)

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Extended Reading
  • Ransom 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    The so-called search, whether it is for Philomena or reporters, is actually a spiritual redemption. I didn’t expect this film to be so beautiful, humor and sadness coexist, it is rare that it has enough sincere emotions to make People feel a touch of warmth in the cold winter... Judi Dench's acting skills touched me deeply, and in the end I couldn't help crying on the high-speed train. She is the Oscar winner in my heart this year.

  • Ernest 2021-12-18 08:01:14

    Warmth, poke my point, and give five stars without hesitation!

Philomena quotes

  • Philomena: I forgive you because I don't want to remain angry.

  • Philomena: And after I had the sex, I thought anything that feels so lovely must be wrong.

    Martin Sixsmith: Fucking Catholics.