The literal meaning of "Paper Town".

Delaney 2021-12-20 08:01:09

In a TED Talk, John Green explained that Paper Town is a small town that every map company has created on its own map to protect its copyright, so that when others plagiarize their own drawings, they can have evidence to sue them. For
example . In the end, the place Margo went to was called Algo. Before that, a map company was turned out. Later, people often went to the place where the map pointed, looking forward to seeing a town called Algo, but found that there was nothing, so people started to be there. Build gas stations, convenience stores, restaurants, shops... Over time, a place called Algo really appeared.

And the same is true for each of us own maps, we often draw a map for you, so follow our own map To act. Personal Map, where we will go will not be said on this map, but where we might go.
The way that we choose - sort of, our personal cartographic enterprise, also shapes the map of our lives , and that in turn shapes our lives.

About the movie, the last sentence Cute said to herself, she is not a miracle, she is just a girl. Like a personal map, he has been giving since the first sight of Margo I brainwashed myself, how much I love her, and the two people farther and farther also made him feel that Margo is more mysterious and incredible, and when he realized that these friends who accompanied him to find Margo on the road trip were actually him. In the more meaningful part of life, I also realize that Margo is not a miracle.

"Lower your expectations and give bravely. You may not get the same hot emotional feedback, but you will definitely have a beautiful and unrestrained relationship."

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Extended Reading
  • Elwyn 2022-04-23 07:02:29

    The story is still wonderful. Youth films have no purpose. Everyone can see in this film what he misses, or what he is obsessed with. Youth is infinitely beautiful just because it is unclear.

  • Gardner 2021-12-20 08:01:09

    I'm a little disappointed that the plot of the night into the Sea World in the original book did not appear in the movie, but I prefer the ending of the movie. Everyone has the freedom and power to choose their own life. Whether your youth is unruly or conforming to the rules, it will be a beautiful process. Growth is when you don’t abandon what you should cherish in order to cater to others.

Paper Towns quotes

  • Margo: Everything's uglier up close.

    Quentin Jacobsen: Not you.

  • Quentin Jacobsen: And for Margo? I heard someone say she was in the resurrection of a play on Broadway. I heard another person say she was giving surfing lessons off the coast of the Bahamas. But I stopped listening to those stories. Because whatever Margo is doing, wherever she is now, I'm sure it's something special. But hey... That's her story to tell.