The little prince's classic

Sydnie 2022-01-03 08:02:00

The fox said: "To me, you are just a little boy, just like thousands of other little boys. I don’t need you. You don’t need me. To you, I am just one. A fox is no different from thousands of other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. To me, you are unique in my world; to you, It is also the only one in your world."

If you say that you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, from three o'clock in the afternoon, I start to feel very happy, and the closer the time is, the more happy I feel.
At four o’clock, I’ll be fidgeting and I’ve discovered the value of happiness, but if you come anytime, I don’t know when I will be ready to meet your mood.

"You are beautiful, but you are empty." "Yes." The little prince was still saying to them, "No one can die for you. Of course, my rose, an ordinary passerby thinks she is like you. But she alone is better than you. The whole thing is more important, because she is watered by me. Because she is placed in the flower cover. Because she is protected by a screen. Because of the caterpillars on her body (except for leaving two or three to become butterflies) I eliminated it. Because I have listened to her resentment and self-praise, and sometimes I listen to her silence. Because she is my rose. "

If we don’t traverse the world, we don’t know what our spirit and emotions are. The sustenance, but once we have traversed the world, we find that we can no longer return to that beautiful place. When we begin to seek, we are already lost, and if we don’t begin to seek, we simply cannot know that everything around us is so precious.

I always think that a person can live naively and simply, and it must be a greater price for countless people around us. Came from guardianship.

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Extended Reading

The Little Prince quotes

  • [first lines]

    The Aviator: [narrating] Once, when I was six years old, I read a book about the primeval forest. The book said, "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it."

    [makes ravaging and shallowing sounds]

    The Aviator: I pondered this deeply. And then, I did my first drawing. I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups and asked if the drawing frightened them.

    Grown-up: Frightened? Why should anyone be frightened of a hat?

    The Aviator: Grown-ups. They never understand anything by themselves.

  • The Aviator: [to the little girl upon being pulled over] Do you have a driver's license?

    The Little Girl: No.

    The Aviator: A learner's permit?

    The Little Girl: No.

    The Aviator: How old are you?