Not yet in the WTO, afraid of joining the WTO

Destini 2022-04-21 09:02:11

After watching this film, I flipped through the film reviews as usual, and saw that many people were talking about the authenticity of the film, saying that the majority should not be afraid of the atrocities of the few. In fact, this is human servility, obedience to rights.

There is an old saying that "a gun hits the first bird", and everyone doesn't want to be the focus. Too many historical facts remind us that the end of the insurgents is tragic. Like the attitude of the male protagonist before his "prison": the war is because of intolerance.

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Extended Reading
  • Janie 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    Compared with the American version, it analyzes human nature more deeply, is more cruel, and is closer to the real experiment. The Germans really have this kind of disgust for human nature in their bones, and so does the tide.

  • Jacklyn 2021-12-10 08:01:46

    The self-realistic Stanford Prison Experiment was adapted and performed a lot, but it made me deeply realize how important the ethical principles in the experiment are. Are you kind? Are you evil? The power of the situation is enough to change you. I haven't watched many German films. Although the experiment is very familiar, this one is very shocking. That big beautiful girl interspersed is even brighter. When the Germans made such a film, the taste in the music is worth pondering.

The Experiment quotes

  • [last lines]

    Nachrichtensprecher: [voiceover - spoiler] The tragic outcome: two dead, three injured, among them project leader Professor Klaus Thon. Clearly, the experiment went out of control after two days. The district attorney is investigating two possible manslaughter charges and several charges of abuse and negligence. One of the test participants has been arrested. The project direction will probably have to answer to a court. According to statements by one of the scientists, the escalation might have been prevented by aborting the experiment earlier.

  • Berus - Strafvollzugsbeamter: Are you a faggot, Nr. 82?