
Rachelle 2021-12-20 08:01:09

I saw this film by chance on an unknown website, but it was discovered in the terrorist zone. It was originally thought to be a thriller and horror film. But the farther back I go, the more I can see the shadow of my youth when he was studying.
At the time of reading, I think that everything I do is satisfactory and can surprise the other party. But every time I see the other person's cold expression, I feel annoyed again, this woman doesn't understand herself.
This film is well-interpreted. Two childhood sweethearts, boys and girls, have different life trajectories because of their different personalities. But the man's heart has always been knotted, that is, he likes this girl, but the reality is that the different personalities make the two of them healed. In a distant relationship, on the eve of graduation, the girl found a boy in the middle of the night to play a prank. For a boy who has never had such a crazy experience, there is no doubt that this prank is unforgettable for him, but for the girl, This is just part of the life experience worth doing (what shocked me is the scene where the office building overlooks the city, and the two dancing) may be the boy, this is her suggestion to him. Then the next day, the girl disappeared, the third day, the fourth day...
At the age of ignorance and ignorance, who doesn't want to talk about a vigorous relationship, the same is true for boys, on the eve of the prom, staying through girls Under the "clue", I invited my friends, set off together, went to the unknown "paper town" on the map (that is, a town where no one lives, but has left traces on the Internet map) to find girls, and went through the supermarket Quick shopping, the car broke down, and finally reached the "paper town" on the way, friends all found their own ignorant love. It even forced the boy to find the girl, but after getting there, he experienced waiting. Among them, the blonde girl said, "Does she know that you care about her so much?" How much, but didn't care if the other party understood his feelings, mad, furious, or lonely. But there was no result. The boy was still immersed in the beautiful fantasy he had compiled, and gave the car keys to his friends to let them go first. Stay and wait for yourself.
I didn’t wait, but I accidentally ran into the girl in the small town. There was no surprise, no tears. In the ordinary, the boys would think that the girl would find her like this, and they would be moved to a mess, but no, the girl just Tell the boy plainly that every time he ran away from home, he would leave clues. And leaving is just to pursue one's own way of life, nothing more. No kidnapping, no fantasy, no adventure, it's that simple. Some were just surprised. At this time, the boy felt that to him, what was important and what was worth cherishing, not just because he lived by his own feelings, and the girl tried to keep the boy to stay with her. But two people with completely different personalities are like two parallel lines. How can there be an intersection? The boy did not regret the last days of his high school career, nor did he regret the graduation party he missed. He thanked the girl, because in the process of searching, the ignorant boy recognized his fantasies. Although it was broken, it was not discovered, and he also cared about his friends and family.
Thanks for this film, let me find a surprise in the ordinary movie. Life, lovers who have not missed, or feelings. Why can't it be said that what is missed is not a real goodness?
Although there is no big group ending at the end, how can such an ending touch the true hearts of ordinary people like us?

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Extended Reading
  • Francisca 2022-04-23 07:02:29

    I originally watched it for 5 million, but after watching it, I was about to fall in love with the curly hair of the male pig's feet and the fascinated smile at the corner of the mouth #YA多中二#

  • Monte 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    I thought it was a youth love film packed with suspense and reasoning, but it turned out to be a running account movie. There was no suspense at all.

Paper Towns quotes

  • Margo: Everything's uglier up close.

    Quentin Jacobsen: Not you.

  • Quentin Jacobsen: And for Margo? I heard someone say she was in the resurrection of a play on Broadway. I heard another person say she was giving surfing lessons off the coast of the Bahamas. But I stopped listening to those stories. Because whatever Margo is doing, wherever she is now, I'm sure it's something special. But hey... That's her story to tell.